Part 16

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Being married to him was a great feeling I have to admit that. But I still knew little about him. I only knew his age his name simple things like that. His past I learned from his sister while I was eaves dropping. I mean I don't even know what my husband does for a living. It must be pretty good and make good money. That he can afford to stay at expensive hotels, buying those dresses for me, I saw the price tags they weren't cheap. He has that I know of two cars. One is a Lexus and one a corvette. And those are nice luxury experience cars. Plus to the point, he told me I didn't have to work. But I don't know if that's part of the control factor that he wants me at home so he knows where I am at all the time. But maybe I got to thinking he wants to be controlled like that because of his ex. It sounded like she ran all over him and then f----d with his heart and cheated on him. Or the control and dominant thing are from being in the Marines. If he joined when he was young and got out recently then he had some pretty high ranking. It's something eventually I am going to have to talk to him about or hopefully like his sister says let him open up to me. I think once he does open up to me he will fully trust me. I do know he loves me and I can really tell that he does.

And I am falling in love with him more and more each day. I just really hope he doesn't hurt me as he has done in the past. That fear will always be deep down inside of me that my guard isn't full all the way down yet. We started driving and he was holding my hand as he was driving and I was wondering where we were going. We drove for a good hour we didn't really talk much I would just catch him smiling at me and I would smile back and he would take my hand up to his lips and kiss it and tell me loves me. "Are you ready to be home baby?" He asked "Yes baby," I said. We pulled down this street that lead into a small subdivision of houses. Really nice brick homes that you could tell were built recently. We turned down another street and I was just in ahh it was very pretty. He turned into a driveway to a small brick house. It was a single-story house probably 3 bedrooms but really nice. "Welcome home baby," he said "Is this your house?" I asked. "No this is what I was out doing the other day I bought and a friend of mine helped me decorate buy furniture and stuff I hope you like because it's ours, baby," he said smiling at me. He lifted up his sunglasses and undid his seat belt and leaned over and kissed me. "Let's go inside baby," he said. I opened the car door and walked up to the door with him. He unlocked it and pushed it open. He looked over at me and said" You know it's only right that I carry you across since you are my wife now" I just smiled at him as he picked me up into his arms and carried me inside. He kicked the door closed with his leg and walked me down the hallway to the last door on the left. He pushed it open with his foot and flipped the light on. I am going to take a wild guess and say this was the master bedroom. It was really nice. There was a king-size bed. With you can tell luxury sheets and comforter on it. A dresser with a Tv on it. Another dresser had a vanity mirror attached to it.

And another door that I am guessing led to the bathroom. And another small door I am assuming was the closet. He sat me down on the bed and just kneeled down in front of me and laid his head in my lap. I moved my fingers through his hair and I could hear him start to moan a little bit. He stayed there for a good 5 minutes until he leaned up kissing me and laid me down on the bed and getting on top of me. He slowly started running his tongue around mine as I was to his. He started kissing my neck and moving to my ears s-----g on my ear lobes slowly whispering in my ear "I love you" I just moaned "I love you baby" as he stood up and pulled me forward lifting up my dress over my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into me again kissing him more. I do get to say he is an amazing kisser. He pulled away leaning up pulling his boots off and his socks. Undoing his pants and let them hit the floor. He had unbuttoned his shirt and undid his tie taking them off and chucking them across the floor. He slides down his boxer briefs to his c--k ready to go. He laid me back down taking the edge of my panties and sliding them off. He climbed on top of me getting in between my legs. Kissing his way up my stomach to my boobs to my neck as I was starting to breathe heavier. He reached my lips and just kissed me biting down on my lower lip a little bit as he pushed the head of his d--k inside of me. I gasped as he slowly but a little hard pushed the rest of it in. I wrapped my arms up his back and pulled him into me. As he pulled himself out and back in again. I was starting to breathe heavier and moan more as he was going faster.

He was kissing the side of my neck as I was gripping his lower back wrapping my legs around him tighter. "Oh god baby" he moaned "I love you" he continued. " I love you sweetie" I moaned as he started going faster and deeper inside of me. I could feel my p---y start to contract around his d--k that was throbbing inside of me. I arched my back as I was actually cumming pretty fast and he knew it. "It's ok baby c-m for me" he moaned in my ear and started to go faster than my legs were shaking and I was just moaning louder. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhh baby" I yelled. I could feel myself contract around him as I released myself onto him. He started moaning louder which he was about to c-m too. He kissed me again then looked deep inside of my eyes as I saw his eyes roll back into his head and moaned cumming inside of me. He leaned down and kissed me.

 Then resting his head by my neck kissing this one spot on my neck over and over. I could still feel his d--k inside me it was starting to get soft as he looked up and stared into my eyes. "I love you," he said "I love you," I said back. He just smiled at me and kissed me again. He was in fact a very romantic guy. And I really did love it. "I guess we better get up baby," he said. "We have another together tonight I am sorry I couldn't get out of it," he said. "It's ok baby," I said "I will make it up to you I promise," he said kissing my forehead.

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