Part 5

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The whole day we spent having sex over and over again. Didn't really give me a chance to rest or take a breather. It was close to dinner time and the last time he pulled me into the shower with him. While he f----d me up against the wall over and over. I was drained and couldn't even stand up. He leaned me up against the wall and washed my body. Lathering it up with soap and leaning me into the water letting all the soap wash away along with my dignity and self-respect. I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into and if I was even going to get out of it. He turned off the water opened the glass door grabbed the towel off the hanger drying himself off first then stepping out opening his hand out as I took it he pulled me out onto the bathroom mat while he dried me off. I stood there dazed and drained so weak just standing there. He put the towel back turned around and picked me up and carried me back into the room. Laying me on the bed. He put on his boxers and laid up next to me. "Did you enjoy today sweetheart?" He asked. "Yes, I did" I smiled at him. "Good" he kissed me. "I am going to have to leave tomorrow and be gone for a few days," he said "Oh," I said. "But you better be good. I will be watching and knowing what you are doing at all times. I do own you and have that right. And if you try any f-----g thing you will regret it understand?" He glared at me. "Yes baby I would never mess up what we have," I said "Ok but starting tomorrow it is back to master. Today was your reward day. But I still own you and will have you respect me as your master" he kinda raised his voice. "Yes I understand," I said kissing him assuring him that I understood him. He pulled me into him as we both laid there hoping maybe I could get some sleep. Already watching this man falling asleep on top of me hearing him start to snore a little as I laid there with my arm wrapped around him starring at the ceiling. Thinking what the f--k am I going to do?..

I woke up to the sound of the hotel door shutting I looked up at it was him leaving. I got up looking for my clothes. In the heat of the so-called passion yesterday they were thrown and landed in various places. I found all of them and got dressed. Got my purse off the nightstand. There was a note on top of it which I had no doubt he wouldn't leave without giving me some kind of order. It said: Today marks a new chapter in our relationship slave. You and I have become one and I couldn't be more excited about our future. You are truly the best slave I have ever had and will be mine until the day I die. Your instructions for the next few days are simple. You will check in with me every 2 hours. Rather it is a text message or phone call. but remember you must call me at least 3 times throughout the day. So remember that as well. You will go to bed by 10 pm and be up by 7:30 am and I will know if you haven't or don't follow that curfew. It's simple babe you do what I say and we won't have a problem you disobey me and there will be consequences. You thought the other night was bad it can be way worse. Trust me. I am happy you chose me to be your master. I can't wait to show you off. Remember your 2 hours start from when I leave which was 7 am. My number is already programmed on your phone. Just go home for today and when I hear from you I have a few things I need you to do for me while I am gone. See you soon slave. Love AndrewI didn't know what could be worse the fact that I just read this man has had slaves in past andwhich I am sure he did and what happened to them. I mean, for now, I guess it can't be that bad.Just do what he says and I won't get beaten. And let him have sex with me. It's going to have towork until I figure out what I am going to do and get away from him somehow. I grabbed my purse and left. And just drove home waiting until 9 o'clock so I could "check" in with him

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