Part 15

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I had a feeling there was more to what he was trying to tell me but he didn't. But I guess it's one step closer to him trusting me all the way. I have come to the conclusion that I do love this man someone can say all they want you can't fall in love with someone that fast well bullshit they are wrong. But yes I do love him if things work out great for us then awesome. That means he really was the one for me and yes he was that kind of person before I met him and maybe not at first he didn't know that he loved me and was just doing his thing as he had in the past and when his feelings started to grow which I could tell did the first time we made love to each other he did start to change and treat me different. But there is that part of me that I know I can't run from him he will always own me and that I am stuck with him rather or not I love him or not. But as of right now yes I love the man. But that thought is always going to be in the back of my mind and I am starting to believe now that he knows that and maybe down in his heart he is sorry for it. But if it happens again I will put my plan into deep effect I got the shit beat out of me all the time growing up and I will be damned if my husband will do the same thing to me. I took a shower and actually a pretty long shower to that I actually lost track of time. It was 2 o'clock when I got out of the shower.

I heard my phone ring and I went to go get it. It was a text from him. It said " Thank you for understanding I love you so much baby girl" I just smiled and replied back " I love you baby I can't wait to have you forever" I went over to the closet and opened it. There was another dress in there it was simple long and white. I recognized it's another one from his sister store. There was a note pinned to it. It said," I can't wait to see you in this". I took it and laid it on the bed and went and blow-dried my hair. Brushing it out and curling it as he likes it. I did my makeup the same way. And walked back to my phone I guess I better call him since I still do have to check in with him. He picked it up after the first ring "Hello my love I was wondering if you were going to call me." "Of course baby I still have to check in with you" "I know sweetie are you almost done getting ready?"

He asked. "Yes just have to get dressed," I said "Good baby same here," he said, "I guess we better finish we got to leave in about 15 minutes," he said, "Yes we do baby," I said, "Ok my love I will see you soon. I can't wait to marry you," he said, "I can't wait for either baby," I said "I love you, baby girl," he said " I love you, baby," I said as we both hung up. I picked up the dress and slide it on. This time there was no zipper so I didn't need his help. I looked at myself in the mirror and honestly couldn't believe I was about to get married. But I have to do what I have to do. I do love him I just pray he doesn't turn psycho on me.

when I arrived at the courthouse I just sat in my car for a minute. I knew that I loved this man but I also know what kind of person he can be. I know we are rushing into this so fast but I know he loves me and if we were meant to be we would get married eventually right? I know if I don't go in there he would flip out and come after me. He would do things to me he threatened or had already done to me. There's always going to be that part who will remember every bad thing he did to me. Especially raping me like that the first night. Then beat the shit out of me the next. I think deep down he might be sorry but if he is he needs to say it to me and not just be nicer to every day. I looked up and saw his sister standing in front of my car. "Hey," I said getting out. "Hi, sister-in-law?" She laughed hugging me. "That would make me your sister yeah," I said. "Andrew called and told me you guys were getting married and honestly couldn't believe it," she said "Yes we are I know short timing," I said "he is a good guy he really is and he told me what he has done to you before he fell in love you," she said "Yeah I said looking down at my chest" seeing the markings some of them were still there. "Let him open to you I hope it will make you understand why he did it," she said. "Ok," I said. "He really does love you and I can tell you do love him," she said. "I do love him," I said. She just smiled at me wrapping her around my shoulders "Then let's go get your husband" she said smiling. We both walked into the courthouse and down to the justice of peace office. He was standing out there so we went into the actual courthouse. He was standing up there with the judge and smiled really big when I walked in. "Here" she said handing me a ring "That it was for him that was his dad's before he died" I just smiled at her and took it. I walked down to the front by him. He was just smiling at me the entire time. Which I know I was smiling at him too. He was wearing a black suit very expensive with a blue silk tie. And these expensive leather boots. I do get to say he was looking drop-dead sexy. I stood up next to him as he just looked into my eyes and picked up my hands. The judge started talking and I was too busy lost in his eyes and smile to hear what he was saying. I remember saying I do. And putting the ring on his finger. Then when it was his turn he said the same and picked up my finger and holy shit put this gigantic size diamond ring on my finger. He whispered to me "You deserve it baby" I just smiled at him and remember the judge saying "now the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife Andrew you may kiss your bride" he stepped closer to me taking his hands and running them up to my jawline just staring into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me really softly sliding his tongue in a little bit then pulling it out and kissing my lips another time. "I love you baby thank you for making me the happiest man alive," he said. "I love you, Andrew," I said smiling at him and leaning in and kissing him again. We turned and looked and could see his sister smiling and clapping at us. She came up and hugged us both. Maybe he wasn't such a bad person I got to thinking but I knew I still needed to talk to him about what he did to me. I guess maybe it's a good thing my husband took my virginity but I do think I need an apology from him. We walked outside hand and hand to his car. He opened the door for me. "What about my car baby?" I asked. "Don't worry it will get taken care of" he said as I got in. He came around to the other side getting in and leaning over and kissing me. "I just want to kiss you all day every day," he said. "Then do it, baby," I said at him as he just smiled and kissed me again.

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