Part 12

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Luckily my so-called father didn't see me. He probably didn't recognize me. I never wore dresses like this around him and I was never allowed to buy them. I wasn't even allowed to go to my high school prom. So this is technically the first nice dress I have ever worn let alone owed. We walked in and Andrew was greeted by other guys that he knew. He would introduce me as his woman, not as his slave. They all would smile over at me as Andrew held my hand tight and every once in a while pull me into him wrapping his arm around my waist. I didn't see my father and by listening to some of the other conversations a lot of the other Masters would immediately switch slaves with each other and go off into other rooms and f--k them. Andrew got asked if he was going to share me by this very older bold-headed man who was old enough to be my grandpa just the image thought of an old guy d--k and saggy balls made me feel disgusted. Andrew politely said no she is not for sharing she is too special. I just smiled at him. As a familiar voice from behind us said "But come on you have shared before" with an evil giggle. I gripped Andrews's hand as he looked at me and winked as we both turned around. My father just stared at me and his mouth kind of opened and his eyes bugged out of his head... "Well I see you picked a w---e like mother like daughter," he said to Andrew. "Watch what you f-----g say," Andrew said snapping back at him. "What her mother is a god d--n slave w---e I passed her around so much especially while she was pregnant with your pathetic ass," he said to me. "I told you to f-----g watch what you say," Andrew said stepping in front of me. "You are actually protecting that piece of worthless shit. She did nothing for me she was a worthless daughter which I am sorry you were ever born. All you did was make my life a living hell" he said. "Well maybe if you weren't such a f-----g low life d--k head that liked to beat his daughter I would have been a better daughter for you. I am actually ashamed you are my father" I said. "Excuse me Mr. Jules are you going to let your f-----g slave talk to a master that way" he snapped at Andrew. "Your d--n f-----g right I am and she is not my slave. She is my woman."

He snapped back. "You have done the stupidest thing Mr. Jules has fallen in love with a slave." He said. "So f-----g what if I have you were in love with yours too until she had a daughter. You always compare your slave to the others you bring in here how she was the best piece of ass you have ever had and you were so f-----g happy when she got pregnant but when the doctor brought you your daughter you told the doctor to take her back. I can guarantee you you still love her. And who gives a shit if she gave you a daughter be f-----g happy she gave you a child. You should be proud and love that child no matter what f----d up things they do. She is your own fleshing blood be f-----g proud of that" Andrew was yelling so loud that everyone was listening to him. "Yes I love your daughter and I want to marry her. And I could give to shits what you think about that" he finally stopped yelling waiting to see if my father would say anything back. "Well good luck with her if she's anything like her mother she will be popping out daughters for you," he said walking away. "And" Andrew yelled. He turned around and looked at me all I could do was say "Thank you" he leaned in a kissed me "You are welcome sweetheart" he whispered. "He's a good man" another guy came up to me. "He might be a jealous possessive a-----e but I've never seen him smile with a slave-like he had with you," he said "oops I don't know if you refer to master and slave" I just looked up at Andrew and said "Yes that's my sexy master for yah" he just laughed. I knew then that he trusted me more maybe not 100% yet but I am getting close. And yes I do love him I would admit it. He told off the man who I have been wanting to for the past 18 years. That I love him for. I love him for the way he has been treating me. I have never had anyone do that before.

But how can you still not get over what he did to me in the beginning maybe that is something I need to talk to him about later. That's if he will let me. Just because he didn't let me call him master tonight doesn't mean he doesn't want me to start back up tomorrow. He still has that side of him that I am scared of that I fear will show up again. He might have been nice and loving since after that night but maybe that night he didn't know he was going to fall in love with me he just wanted to show his dominant side and whip me or something. I have read that that sort of thing turns some people on maybe he is that guy. But what if he is wouldn't he want to do that to me again.

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