Part 14

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I woke up the next morning with him laying next to me still asleep. I just watching him breathe in and out. He looked very peaceful. Until he mumbled "Good morning" I just looked at him I didn't know rather call him master or not but I answered by just leaning in and kissing him. He kissed me back moaning a little bit. I just smiled at him. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "Really good master?" I just kinda questioned it because I really didn't know. He just smiled at me and said "That's good" he said. I guess we are going back to being called master today. "I love the way you kiss you know that baby," he said. "Yes Master I do and I love when you kiss me," I said. "Well I love kissing you," he said again leaning in and kissing me again. " I guess we better get up we got something to do today," he said. I just smiled at him as he sat up and turned around putting his feet on the floor. I sat up next to him we were both still naked. I am pretty sure we had a good 4 rounds last night and I couldn't tell you how many orgasms I had but they were all still wonderful. "So I like to keep things traditionally baby so I don't want to see you until we get married this afternoon," he said "Ok Master," I said. "I had someone bring over your car so it's downstairs and I am going to go to another room to get ready and I will meet you at the courthouse at 4:30," he said standing up.

"Your clothes to wear are in the closet and I would leave here about 330 because of traffic," he said "ok Master I can do that" I watched him quickly get dressed and walk back over to me. "I will see you this afternoon baby" he smiled at me "Yes Master," I said "Good I can't wait I love you," he said kissing me not giving me a chance to write back. "I love you," I said. "I love you what?" He said. "I love you, Master," I said. "Good girl sees you later," he said walking out the door. I honestly thought last night might have changed him a little bit. But I guess it didn't. But I guess it's going back to doing anything and everything he tells me to do. I was actually convinced he would have changed maybe not all the way but at least some. I walked over to the door to lock it so no one comes in while I take a shower. I heard someone talking so I peeped through the eyesight hole. It was him. And he wasn't talking he was leaning up next to the door he was crying. "God I am such an a-----e," he said. I saw him take out his phone from his pocket and call someone. "Hey sis it's me," he said. "Yes I am f-----g crying why do you think I called you...why am I crying because I am a f--k up." I tried to push my head and ear up against the door and hear some more. "Last night was wonderful I couldn't ask for a better night..yes I took your advice and did the candles she loved it. But this morning I am an idiot" he continued. "Yes I know I can't treat women that way you knew what kind of person I was before I met her and I feel like shit every time I have to be an a-----e to her. I do love her Angie...well I did something else the second night we were together I am sure you saw those marks on her....yes Angie I f-----g did that to her and I cried like a little b---h the next day....yes I do believe her that she loves me..she's not going to understand she's going to leave me....ok ok I will go back and talk to her and not be an a-----e...alright I will call you later." I quietly unlocked the door because I know he has a key and quickly got back into bed. I heard the door open and looked up acting surprised he was coming back. "Master you came back," I said. "Baby please don't" he s said walking up to the bed and crawling up to me.

"What master what's wrong?" I asked. He took my hands into his and looked dead at me in the face. " I am sorry. I am sorry for being a d--k head to you this morning. We just had an incredible night together and I went back to being an a-----e" he said. "You are my master you have that right," I said. "No baby," he said putting his hand up against my face. "I love you and I think I proved it more last night than ever and you proved it to me too that you love me. I think you should not call me master anymore" he said. I didn't know what to say. "But We will still have some ground rules and if that doesn't work we will have to go back to the master alright?" "Ok," I said. "Ok, it's pretty much the same rules you have to check in with me like before. Now that we are going to be married you are going to have to go to events and parties with me like we did last night. You will not work you will be my stay-at-home wife for now we can discuss the kids part later. You will have dinner ready for me and that's well pretty much it" he said "Ok" I said "No objections?" He asked "No," I said, "No what?" He asked "No my love," I said "That's my girl I knew you were the one baby. I just knew it" he said.

."But there is one thing," he said "What's that?" I asked "There are certain events where I have to call you my slave and you have to call me master," he said "That's fine," I said "Good baby girl God I do love you," he said kissing me. "Baby?" I asked "Yes my love" "Have you been crying?" I asked. "You could tell huh?" I just shook my head yes. "Don't cry I understand that you had to at first show me you the boss and master" I said " I know and after I knew you were the one I felt like shit for it. Trust me I don't like being called master I like being called things like baby sweetie things like that?" he said "Thank you for understanding my love?" he said kissing me again "Your welcome baby?" I said. "Ok now I am really going to go I have a wedding to get to" he laughed "Why yes I do too" I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. "I love you, baby girl," he said, "I love you, my love," I said as he walked out the door.

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