Part 6

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By the time I got home ate some breakfast and went and settled into my room, it was 5 minutes until 9. I figured I would call him this time again in the afternoon and when I went to bed so it would total the 3 times a day. I picked up my phone and found his number he had saved it under Master. I hit call and put it to my ear. For some reason, my heart was pounding so much I could hear it in the phone after each ring. It rang 3 times until he answered it. "Well hello, you," he said "Hello Master," I said "Good girl you have learned fast," he said "I see you made it home safely," he said "Yes Master I did," I said. I said it really nervously and sad. "What is the wrong baby?" He asked. I didn't want to tell him the truth that I was scared shitless of him right now so I just said " I just miss you Master that is all" I said. "I miss you too sweetie I will be home soon and we will be together again" he replied. " Cant at fast enough Master," I said. I was thinking of anything and everything I could just to put him in a good mood. I could hear another guy in the background talking to him. Making a smart-ass comment about how is that your new lover girl. And then him calling him an ass hole. "I have to run baby but I am going to text you in a little bit I need you to do something for me ok?" He asked. "Yes Master I will do anything you need me to do," I said. "Ok sweetheart talk to you later. Bye" "Bye Master," I said as I hung up. I guess the phone call wasn't so bad apparently the guy that is with him doesn't know what kind of a person he really is because he kept using words like baby and sweetheart. I decided to throw my sex smelled clothes in the washer and take a shower. I returned to a text message from him. It said. "Very good babe you have learned fast and I love it. I need you to go to this address. 33 mayor road asks for a guy named Peter. Tell him I sent you he knows what you are there to get. Talk to you at 11. I got dressed and just went it couldn't be that bad....right?

When I got in my car I sent him a quick text saying I am on my way. He responded quickly by saying thank you, my love. My love what the f--k. Maybe this sicko is really falling in love with me. But I got to say I don't share mutual feelings. He sent another text saying you know you can text me anytime it doesn't have to be every 2 hours. I quickly responded ok master I will because I really do miss you. I know that saying these things to him is sending him signals that I probably shouldn't be sending but when it comes to life and death I think I will fake it and tell this psycho I love him miss him just so I don't get whipped or beaten again. I was sitting at a red light looking down at my chest I could tell that some of those marks he left are going to be scars. I heard someone honk at me as I was coming back from my lost in thought. I arrived at the place and it looked like an office building. I went inside to a lady sitting behind a desk. She asked if she could help me and I told her I was here to see Peter and that Andrew had sent me. She said alright and disappeared behind in the back. A few minutes past and an older man came back with her introducing himself as Peter and following him. I followed him down a hallway to another room he opened the door and asked me to go in and get naked and lay on the table. He shut the door behind me and I quickly got out my phone and texted Andrew wanting to know if he really wanted me to get naked for this man. He quickly replied "yes baby he's a doctor I have to make sure you are in good health and healthy for me for our future" I replied back "ok Master I will do it" he answered "thank you, sweetie. And thank you for running it by me that does mean a lot." I guess I had done a good thing and texted him first I guess kudos in his book for me. I just sighed and took off all my clothes and laid them on the table. I felt my phone go off again. It was another text from him "by the way do whatever he says. It will be ok." I thought what the f--k does that mean as this guy walked back into the room. He told me that Andrew pretty much wanted a physical of me and he was going to get it done. He leaned me back on the table checking my head eye's ears nose and mouth. Going down my chest feeling but groping my breasts and lightly pinching my nipples I just turned my head in disgust. He went down my stomach pressing on it. My hips next. He asked me to lift my legs up and he sat down in between my legs. Just starring at my v----a. I could hear him breathing heavily his hot breath blowing on my p---y lips. He wanted me and apparently was going to take me. I looked at my watch at it was 5 minutes till 11 I grabbed my phone texting him asking him if this doctor wanted to have sex with me. He replied back I am sure he does baby you are one sexy lady but you better not have sex with him. Once you have sex with someone else besides me you are damaged goods and that means you were unfaithful to me and that's bad punishment. I texted back that I would never be unfaithful to my master. He replied back good my love. I felt the doctor put his fingers around my lips spreading them apart. He slide a finger around making it wet. I could hear him start to moan as he slide a finger in and mumbling "you haven't had much sex in your life have you?" "No Andrew took my virginity the other night actually," I said. "Lucky a-----e," he said putting the finger in his mouth and licking it. He walked up to my head and stared down at me. "Look what you are doing to me," he said looking down at his d--k that was bulging out of his pants. He leaned down and tried to kiss me. I slapped him across the face and tried to get up he pushed me back down saying he wanted f--k my tight wet p---y better than Andrew would ever do. I pushed him off of me and kneed him in the crotch. I jumped off the table naked and all opened the door to Andrew standing there I jumped at him letting him catch me as I held on to him tightly as he wrapped his arms around me holding me close to him. I was *actually glad to see this man. He put me down telling me everything was ok he was there for me. He walked into the room picked up my clothes and handed them back to me. "Here babe get dressed and meet me outside," he said shutting the door I quickly got dressed and left as I was leaving I could hear Andrew yelling at this man calling him every name in the book, and heard something being thrown into the wall but I didn't want to wait around and find out.

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