Part 8

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I really didn't know what to say. I just I am sure stood there like an idiot. But I can't answer. I mean this man abused me and took my virginity I mean I guess I couldn't say much since I met him on a website designed to meet people have them f--k your brains out for cash. I didn't know him from Adam and I picked him as a complete stranger to take my virginity from me which the first time you have sex it's supposed to be magical with someone you care about not someone that paid you KSH 5000 the first night. Then the next night beats the shit out of you because you had your phone on silent. What else could he do to me if I just slip up a little I mean having your phone on silent and getting beat by a whip and still having the markings to show for it. Let alone more than likely will be scarred for the rest of your life. Again a man who digs into your personal life finding out your phone number address and God knows what else. Which I am actually scared to know what else he knows about me. Then there's this man who makes love to you like you read about it books and see in movies but 100 times better than you ever dreamed. To a man who I can tell cares about me even though how we met and what he did to me was something, I could and never forgive him for. That is something that will always stand in my mind. And to a man who just saved me from getting raped (again) which is raped twice in one would probably send me over the edge and I would end up killing myself before he even had a chance to torture me for being unfaithful. I got to say I have myself in a big shit of a mess. I have been telling this man I am in love with him and love him for the past 24 hours. I can tell in his eyes he really does love me it is the same glow that my parents still have for each other and they have been married 25 years. I know that if I say no to him he is going to I am sure question the love I told him that I have for him which will cause him to get upset and god knows what he will do to me. If I say yes like he said I am going to be stuck with him until the day he dies. Which right now I am going to say is my only chance of getting away from him is if the bastard does die. I am going to have to s--k  it up and figure it out from there. Eventually, I am going to have to kill him just to be myself again and get away from him. He was still standing there looking through my eyes trying to read me. I just smiled and said " I would love to marry you Master" he smiled back at me and just leaned in and kissed me very long deep and passionate. Yup. that's it I am going to have to kill this man to get away from him.

After saying yes to him he picked me up in his arms and kissing me. This was something I had to deal with until my plan gets full into effect. I knew that I am going to have to sweet talk and butter his ass to make him not suspect anything. "Master?" I asked "Yes," he said. "Do you have to go back I would love to celebrate tonight with you" I said giving him a sad face. "Oh that face is going to get me into so much trouble," he said. "Is that a yes" I smiled at him? "I have to baby it is my job but how about you call me before you go to bed and I will talk to you then. And I will be home tomorrow night ok baby?" "Ok master," I said kissing him. "Ahhhh I don't want to leave" he growled. "Mmmm then don't matter I will do naughty things to you" I whispered in his ear. He gripped my ass then smacked it. "Just go be a good girl and I will reward you tomorrow for it ok?" "Ok master sounds good to me" I smiled at him. He kissed me again and walked me to my car. He pushed me up against the door kissing me hard and rough. "When shall I call you next master?" I asked. "Mmm baby it's almost 12 so how about 2," he said. "I can't wait" I smiled at him. He opened the car door for me and I climbed in. He leaned in and kissed me again. "Remember to keep in contact with me baby" "yes master I won't forget" he closed the door and I started the car and drove off after he walked over and got into his car. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to have to marry him and just kill him. I don't know how long it's going to take or when the right time will be but it's going to happen. I got home and went into my room. I had to think about how this is going to happen. I needed to know when where he wanted to marry me. So I can take some action. I texted him asking when he wanted to get married. He replied saying how about this weekend. I replied saying that would be perfect master and I couldn't wait to be his wife. I then asked where we were going to leave and whatnot. He said he would get us a place and that I needed not to worry. I guess the more I plan will be after all of this marriage bull shit and go from there. Killing him will end things with us. Payback for raping me and stealing my virginity and revenge for everything he has done to me and anyone else he has hurt, beaten, raped, or done anything wrong to. This is going to be the worst thing ever in my life but worth it in the f-----g

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