✩1. The Beginning of the Journey

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A seemingly endless sandstorm was wildly striking the nameless desert on that noon, completely blurring the vision of whoever dared to go through its wilderness. However, the ferocious weather didn't seem to bother two men who were currently walking deeper into it. Well, not both, but at least one of them.

The taller man was calmly leading the way, while completely ignoring his surroundings. His golden eyes were staring sharply forward, brimming with confidence. His long violet ponytail fluttered behind him, blown by the strong wind.

Meanwhile, the other man staggered behind his violet-haired leader. He was trying his best to keep his green keffiyeh from unveiling his white hair. His freckled face showed annoyed expression.

"Hey, Ja'far!"

Upon hearing his name was called, the white-haired man lift up his face. "What is it?" He shouted to make sure his voice could be heard by his comrade.

"I know we should have not wear our turbans in the first place!" The taller man shouted back.

There was a moment of silence between them. "That's what you're worrying about!?" the man called Ja'far couldn't help but feeling more annoyed than before.

"Capes are more suited for desert, after all." replied the other man without looking back.

Ja'far just made a soundless grunt at his friend's obvious statement. "Now just who do you think had dragged us here in the first place...?" He grumbled under his breath. As he struggled to follow after his leader, he began to recall what had gotten them into such situation...

Just the day before, Ja'far did his daily activities normally at the Sindrian palace. Arranging and archiving important documents were part of his work, and he did them all without complaining. As the advisor of the Sindria Kingdom, it was his duty to keep everything in place.

Ja'far walked to the king's office, bringing many documents for the king to check. Once he reached the door, he didn't waste even one second to open the door. After all, there were some work that needed to be done on that day. "Sin, I need you to check and sign these documents..."

Upon entering the room, Ja'far didn't find his king working at his desk. Instead, the said king was standing by the window while looking at the clear blue sky.

"...my, neglecting work again, aren't you? That's why your work keeps piling up," Ja'far commented, putting away the documents he was holding on the desk. Meanwhile, the king kept being silent, still facing the window. Ja'far had grown accustomed to the king's behavior, so he just ignored him and began reciting today's report.

"And then the trade with Balbadd..."

"Ja'far." the king finally spoke, cutting his report.

Ja'far peeped from the papyrus scroll that he was reading, raising an eyebrow at the one interjecting him. "What is it, Sin? I'm not done yet."

The king of Sindria turned himself to face his trusted advisor. He wore serious expression on his face. "Do you think... I'm old?"

Ja'far thought for a moment before he answered, "Yes, old and still single."

"I'm just 27 and yes, still single," the king sternly emphasized the word. "Is there anything wrong with still being single?"

"There is," Ja'far nonchalantly rolled the scroll in his hands. "Sinbad, the king of Sindria, also known as 'The lady-killer of the Seven Seas' shouldn't have any problem with finding a wife, but he's still single in his late 20's."

The mentioned lady-killer, Sinbad, deeply frowned. "And how about you? Not thinking of getting yourself a girlfriend, hmm?" He raised an accusing eyebrow at Ja'far.

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