✩6.5. Omake: Profiles

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Time for omake!

I decided it's the time to reveal the siblings' appearance. I drew them manually on my notebook (cuz I can't use paint tool, lol).

So here are their data, guys!

Name: Ardhi
Nicknames: Chief, Nii
Gender: Male
Age: 25 years old
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Hair: Forest green
Eye Color: Crimson
Affiliation: Qadar Village
Family: Shafa (younger sister), Eve (wife), unborn child
Weapon: Dual blade
Occupation: Merchant, Chief of Qadar Village
Allies: Shafa, Sinbad, Ja'far

Ardhi is a fun-loving person who always wears smile on his face, which suggests that he often hides his pain underneath. He enjoys to joke around and tease others regardless of their age. His closest people has known that he's been suffering inferiority complex that was caused by a traumatic incident in the past. It worsens after he found out Qishan had developed moreso than Qadar.

Quantity of magoi: 5/5
Fighting ability: 3/5
Physical strength: 3/5
Technique: 4/5
Leadership ability: 4/5
Wisdom: 4/5

• Ardhi (أَرْضِ) means 'earth' in Arabic. (A/N: It is also means 'mountain' in my  mother language)
• Ardhi worries about his ability but more when Shafa or Eve worries about him.
• His hobbies are reading adventure stories and viewing his village from the roof of his house.
• What he does in his free time is chatting with the villagers and sometimes polishing his blades.
• He frequently trains with Shafa as per her request.
• Ardhi is a better cook than his wife.
• The most important thing to him is his family.
• His weakness is Eve, and that he gets panicked easily.
• He considers himself a merchant, although he does it only because no one in his village will do trade.
• His favorite food is spicy dish, while he dislikes fish.
• His favorite drink is black coffee, and he dislikes camel milk.
• His special ability is his speed.
• He likes people with passion, and he hates people who threaten his family.
• He tends to get deep in thoughts when no one is seeing him.
• Ardhi goes to Qishan once every 4 months with three caravans, then he only brings back one when he returns.
• What caught his attention is when someone said a new book of Adventure of Sinbad has been released.
• He smells like a grassland during dawn.


Name: Shafa
Gender: Female
Age: 20 years old
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Hair: Deep magenta, medium length
Eye color: Cerulean blue
Affiliation: Qadar Village
Family: Ardhi (older brother), Eve (sister-in-law), unborn niece/nephew
Weapon: Needles, magic wand
Occupation: Purple magician, village doctor, teacher
Allies: Ardhi, Ja'far, Sinbad

Shafa is a calm and reserved person who usually wears stoic expression on her face, although she isn't shy to show her expression when someone she knew is around her. She takes the role of the village doctor and regularly teaches the children of Qadar. It seems she had a dark past that only her and her brother know of.

Quantity of magoi: 5/5
Fighting ability: 4/5
Physical strength: 1/5
Technique: 4/5
Leadership ability: 3/5
Wisdom: 4/5

• Shafa (اَشَفَ) means 'calm or good friend'. (A/N: It can also means 'the one who cures')
• Shafa often worries about her brother but if not, she's worried about the weather.
• Her hobbies are listening to the nature and reading.
• What she does in her free time is practicing her magic skills.
• She likes anything someone cooked for her, but she's fond of Ardhi's spicy food.
• Her favorite drink is thyme tea, and she dislikes alcohol (though she never drink it).
• She is usually quiet, but she becomes strict and talkative when it comes to her brother or her patients.
• Her weakness is water magic.
• Shafa has a habit of collecting back her needles using her magic after they have been thrown.
• She usually stands/sits next to Ardhi's left side.
• She's good in household chores, but still needs to learn how to cook properly.
• She likes honest people and hates black rukh.
• Her special ability is her high accuracy.
• When shocked, Shafa tends to do violent things as her self-defense.
• Her most important possession is her butterfly-shaped hairband that was given by Ardhi when she was 7 years old.
• Shafa has many admirers in Qadar, ranged from children to the elders.
• She smells like thyme.

Yes, these were inspired from the wikia/fandom.

Thanks for reading!

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