✩9. The Village and the Moon

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*Edit: For old readers, I've changed the legend of the Tree of Tranquility. I personally think it's better than the last~ let me know what you think in the Comments, dear readers!

Shafa, Sinbad, and Ja'far now were standing outside Ardhi's residence. Sinbad looked around energetically, eager to explore the village. Ja'far couldn't help but smiling at his antics which reminded him of a child.

"You seem so energetic, Sin."

"You bet I do!" Sinbad turned, grinning mischievously at his trusted advisor. "I've been looking forward to this, Ja'far. How could I not feel pumped?"

Ja'far chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds just like you."

Sinbad shifted his attention to the dome houses that stood tall around them, eagerly observing them. "So then Shafa, what are you going to show us first?"

The younger woman seemed to snap out from her thoughts and glanced at the man. When her cerulean blue eyes met with his hopeful gaze, she found herself quickly looking away in embarrassment. "I-I wonder..." she blurted. The men blinked.

"Something wrong, Shafa?" Ja'far asked her curiously.

Shafa's shoulder jolted a bit before quickly shaking her head. "Um, I'm sorry, actually this is my first time doing this. I don't really know where to begin..."

"Ah, so you're at a loss," Sinbad, with an understanding smile across his lips put his hand on his waist, "In that case, Ja'far here will teach you all you need to know. He is pretty good in this kind of thing!"

Shafa timidly looked back at them, slightly tilting her head. "Really? Are you perhaps working as a tour guide, Ja'far-san?"

Ja'far sweat-dropped at her question. "Um, no. But I guess I can teach you a thing or two about showing around."

Sinbad laughed. "See! Why don't you just start already, Guide Ja'far?"

Ja'far just rolled his eyes, as if he was disregarding the new nickname given to him. "Well then, Shafa. If you want to be a good guide, first you have to fully understand the layout of the location and its thorough history. People especially love to learn about the historical values behind their tour destination. After that, show around places that share deep connection with it and even places that only have little contribution to its history."

"In other words, I need to elaborate the charm of this village to you... isn't it?" Shafa looked at Ja'far.

He replied with a nod. "Exactly. Next is..."

Sinbad waited patiently as Ja'far continued teaching the purple-haired girl. Suddenly, he could feel glowers coming from behind the buildings. Sinbad focused his attention there, but in that instant moment he felt the stares had already gone. He decided to just ignore it.

"The most important thing in guiding tourists is to treat them nicely," Ja'far pointed his index finger. "And also, if you wear blank face people will lost interest in your tour, so make sure to always smile!"

"...And that's all the basic you need to know to be a tour guide." Ja'far ended his explanation with a smile.

Shafa nodded. 'Always smiling, huh...' She repeated the word in her head.

"Oh, you've already done? That was quick!" Sinbad commented with a large grin plastered across his face.

Ja'far just kept ignoring him, instead asking the girl, "So Shafa, do you have any questions?"

Shafa shook her head.

"Good. Now do you think we could practice right now?"

Shafa nodded firmly. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes, she began speaking while making sure she put on her best smile. "Welcome to our Qadar Village. My name is Shafa, and I will be your guide in your tour around the village."

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