✩4. Life Magic & Water Magic

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Previously: The battle against the antlion ended in Ardhi, Ja'far and Sinbad's victory! But it looked like the green-haired man had sustained a rather serious damage....

Shafa stopped right in front of them, her face looked worried. "Are you all alright?"

"S-Shafa! Of course we are!" Ardhi panicked as he quickly covered his left shoulder and stepped back.

Shafa noticed her brother's weird behavior and bluntly pointed it out, "What are you hiding?"

"H-Hiding?! I-I'm not!" Ardhi took another step behind, his voice sounded frightened.

Shafa shook her head.

"That's a lie. Nii, you... you are bleeding!" Her eyes widened upon noticing blood was dripping from her brother's left arm to the ground. "Is it your shoulder?! What happened to it?! Let me see it!"

"N-Nothing! It's just a scratch!"

"Then it's okay for me to see it!"

"No! I said I'm fine!"

"I'm just going to see it for a second!"

Shafa continued to pester Ardhi, while Ardhi kept insisting he was okay. Meanwhile, Sinbad and Ja'far just stood there, completely speechless while watching the siblings' little squabble. Fed up, Sinbad eventually pulled Ardhi to kneel down.

"Sin?! What's this supposed to mean?!" Ardhi protested. He tried to stand up again, but Sinbad forced him down.

"She's just gonna see your shoulder for a second," Sinbad deadpanned as he forcefully pulled away Ardhi's right hand from his left shoulder. "Shafa, if you please."

Shafa knelt down and gently removed Ardhi's shirt from his left shoulder. Fresh blood gushed out from his left shoulder. She briefly examined it, and her eyes widened in shock upon seeing a wide wound there. "This is too deep..." Ardhi winced at Shafa's commentary. "...this wound must undergo surgery!" She announced, shocking Ardhi to the bone.

"Surgery?!" Ardhi quickly took a step behind. "I definitely don't need that!"

Shafa paid no heed to her brother's wail, instead turning to Sinbad. "Sinbad-san, can you please pick the medical aid kit? It's in the bigger camel's saddle... and also, can you please bring my brother's cape?"

The violet-haired man nodded. "No problem."

"Shafa!" Ardhi whined, watching helplessly as Sinbad walked away.

The girl finally gave her full attention to her brother, smiling gently. "It's going to be okay, Nii."

Ardhi gulped. To be honest, he could never say no to her when she showed a smile like that, but to him, the idea of having to undergo a surgery was just... "Can't you just fix my wound using your magic? Please?"

Shafa shook her head. "My magic can only help it recover. I need to treat it manually first." She firmly stated, rendering Ardhi speechless. Of course he was still skeptical of that idea, but when she took his right hand and gently stroked it, he finally gave in.

Sinbad soon came back with the things that Shafa requested. "Here you go, Shafa." he said, glancing at silent Ardhi from the corner of his eye. Shafa nodded to him as a thanks.
She spread out the cape on the ground then made a pillow by rolling her own cape. "Lie down here, Nii. I will give you anesthetic."

Ardhi wordlessly obeyed her, but immediately stiffened upon seeing Shafa pulling out an injection from the medical basket. "What's wrong, Nii? Come on, lie down." She glanced at him before filling up the injection.

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