✩16. The Library

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Damn..... damn it all!!

The uninvited visitor cursed in his breath, trying to steal a glance between his enemy and the blood that gushed out of his newly fresh cut wound. He couldn't feel anything from the left side of his shoulder to wrist and even was forced to kneel down.

......screw it; how about the girl?! 

The man managed to shake off the tingling sensation he felt by looking for Shafa. There she was; still laying unconscious, but no longer was bounded by his vines. His eyes widened slightly in excitement as he prepared himself to sprung forward and retrieve her... but suddenly, he could feel an intense glare that managed to petrify him. The glare was followed by a powerful aura that quickly overwhelmed him. After taking a quick glance at his wound, he finally decided that for now, escaping was his top priority. Cold sweat began dripping from his temple as he focused his attention back at Ja'far.

".....you win this time... but next time will be your funeral."


Obviously he didn't listen, even though he saw Ja'far had collapsed as soon as he cast his last magic and turned away to retreat. Meanwhile, not so far away from that place, a shadow of a man carrying a fishing rod was watching them and tipping his green hat as the uninvited guest fled that place.


Almost three hours later, Ja'far was awoken, jolting up from his slumber. The white-haired man gulped, taking in as much air as he needed. He stared down at his hands and only then realized that despite having broken ribs before, now he didn't feel any chest pain nor have any trouble breathing.

"Ja'far! You've finally come to!"

Ja'far turned to the source of the voice and quickly found Sinbad's concerned look. The man knelt down to his eye level and wordlessly handed a water sack to him. Ja'far just stared at him before suddenly scanned his surroundings. It was dawning, but he saw the villagers were still sleeping, and now even had vines surrounding their bodies. "Sin, I... I was fighting him! That bastard-!"

"I know, Shafa had told us the details." Sinbad nodded, averting his gaze. Ja'far followed after his gaze and saw Ardhi and Shafa in the distance. The both of them looked like they were inspecting the vines around Eve's body. Sinbad and Ja'far watched as Shafa slowly shook her head in frustration while Ardhi just stood beside her, motionless.

Ja'far was left speechless as once again Sinbad handed the water sack to him. Finally he took it, although reluctantly, then downed its contents. Sinbad nodded in satisfaction before beckoning Ja'far to get up and follow him to meet up with the siblings.

"Ah!" Shafa was the first to notice their arrival, quickly stood up from her kneeling position. "Ja'far-san, are you okay? How are you feeling?"

Ja'far rigidly nodded as he forced a smile for her. "I'm okay... thanks to you, Shafa."

Shafa smiled back. "That's a relief..."

"But everyone besides us is..." Ja'far paused, hesitating at first. "...but wait. Sin and Ardhi-san... how come the two of you are not? I mean, I remembered you were among them..."

Sinbad only smiled thinly before shaking his head. "We don't know either, but I'm so glad we are no longer among them. Four heads are better than just two... right, Aru?"

Sinbad, Ja'far, and Shafa looked at the man in question and watched as he let out a small sigh. Turning around to face them, the chief of Qadar Village managed an optimistic smile for them. "Right! And since nobody among us seem to know what's happening, I suggest we pay the library a visit." 

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