ch. 1

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Everything was basically back to normal now. Restrictions lifted, letting anyone travel for recreational purposes or otherwise. There would be absolutely no problem for someone to say, fly to Florida from London.

And that was the fact that George would not shut up about.

At this point, it was driving Dream a little bit crazy. Sure, sure. He wanted to see George and meet him in person, of course. They've been friends for years and always planned on meeting up eventually.

But, George was adamant on not only coming down to Dream's house, but, also moving down there permanently.

Which wasn't possible with the way American visas worked.

To this, George had a simple workaround. Dream just had to marry him. No big deal!

While somewhat shady, this idea wasn't entirely out of the question for Dream. There did seem to be some benefits, ones that George pointed out in great and utter detail every single time the meet up and going to see Dream was mentioned.

Dream, sure the other was just messing with him, took it as a joke at first, but, George kept on pushing, practically begging Dream to consider it. And, well, he did, seriously consider it. He found he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea, just that things could get messy, and quick.

Dream put it off as more of a last resort kind of thing.

That was, until George sent him an official, online marriage certificate form, filled out and signed, waiting for Dream to do the same.


"What the hell? Are you serious, George?" Dream asked, completely floored.

"Dream, come on. This is the only way I can move down there! Don't you want to see me?" George pouted in response.

Dream groaned, glancing over the application. This was legit. A legally binding document that would be on record forever. That thought made Dream nervous. "This is ridiculous. You can get a work visa that will last awhile, why can't you do that?"

"Because, I want to move there," George explained, for probably the hundredth time, "And I can't, legally, do that. It won't even be bad, Dream. In a few years, we can maybe get divorced and nothing will even change I promise!"

Dream grit his teeth in annoyance. "What if you don't even like it here? I don't understand why you want to move here this badly."

George paused for a moment, "I just.. wanna see you. Be with you. I thought that was, like, mutual?"

"Yeah, yeah, it is," Dream sighed, "I didn't think it would all be so complicated, though."

"Would it... be that bad?"

Dream considered for a moment. Really, it wouldn't. Like honestly, there would barely be any effect on his life at all. He always wanted him, George, and Sapnap to live together as the Dream Team. Maybe, he could just do this.

With no response from Dream for a minute, George nervously filled the silence. "I wanted it to be with you, Dream, as I think it would be more believable, but maybe I'll ask Sapnap. I feel like I could convince him."

Dream whipped his head up, immediately objecting. "No, absolutely not."

George was a bit taken aback. "But, that's not fair. You don't want to marry me but won't let anyone else?"

"I just think it would be weird, like, you and Sapnap getting married just, I don't know.. wouldn't work," Dream defended slowly, not even sure why he had that strong of a reaction.

"But, I need this visa, Dream. So, if you won't do it then..." George started but Dream cut him off.

"Fine," Dream sighed, entirely worn down and tired of arguing, "Whatever, I'll just marry you, George."

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