ch. 5

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George woke up, the first thing his bleary eyes saw was Dream laying there facing him, still asleep. He silently slid out of the bed, shaking his head in exaggerated disappointment. It's common courtesy to sleep the opposite direction when in bed with someone, come on Dream.

Though, that made George a little hypocritical as he was literally doing the exact same thing, facing towards Dream, but, I digress.

He laughed to himself at that thought, escaping the bed quickly so he couldn't dwell on the softness of Dream's blissful sleeping face.

George couldn't handle that right now, and didn't want to think much more on why he felt that way, deciding to turn his attention on getting ready for the day.

When he came back out, Dream was awake, and pouting. "It's so empty without you, George. Come here," he gestured exaggeratedly, "Cuddle."

George leaned against the wall, rolling his eyes at Dream's morning demands. That definitely wasn't going to happen. "Declined. I wanna get the breakfast before it ends. And, you need to come with me."

Dream groaned his displeasure, reluctantly getting up and trudging to the bathroom.

George smiled when the door closed, enjoying the fact that he could see Dream in the morning like this, like he never had before.

It was cute how the first thing he wanted was George.


They spent most of the day on the beach, wading out into the water, scouring the sand for sea glass, and digging a very large hole for reasons unknown, even to them.

"Aren't you so used to beaches by now, Dream? Having lived right next to them your whole life?"

Dream looked over at George, who was scooping sand into the hole, burying Dream's legs that were inside. "I guess. But, this has an entirely different feel to any of the Florida beaches. We'll have to go to one when we get back, you'll see what I mean."

George was pleased by that, just the subtle implication of future plans that they would share together was just going to be a normal part of their lives now.

As difficult as officially moving to Florida was, George didn't regret it. This was all he truly wanted, a permanent room in Dream's home, day by day existence in each other's presence that just couldn't be fully replicated over the internet.

It just always felt so distant, but now, finally being here, George could never go back.

"Do you have a favorite beach back home?" George questioned, mindlessly.

Dream shrugged, "I know the good spots. We can always visit the one from Heatwaves. That's basically a national landmark by now."

George patted the dirt, completely covering Dream's legs in the sand up to his mid thighs. "Should we sleep there like you did?"

"Oh, we can do everything that happens in the story if you want, George," Dream teased, leaning down on his hands, giving the other a cheeky grin.

"Sure," George replied, "Me constantly rejecting you sounds like a good time."

Dream groaned, throwing his head back in defeat, "I forgot, that one just has me pining after you. So unfair, can't you be in love with me in this one?"

George rolled his eyes, "That would just be unrealistic since you're the simp."

Dream removed his legs from the sand, George scolding him for ruining all his hard work. But, it was time to go anyway, Dream said, leading them off to a tour scheduled in about an hour. Also he claimed that he was acting on behalf of Twitch, banning George in real life for saying the forbidden word.

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