ch. 10

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George whined, dramatically claiming he got infected by American germs, burdened by a sickness that had suddenly befallen him.

Dream had his mask and medical grade gloves on, spraying George with some antiseptic liquid.

No, George didn't have covid like Dream believed, who got tested at the other's insistence, even though this story is written post covid scare, but still, have to put in some germaphobic Dream in, of course.

It was just a cold, probably actually from George being introduced into a new place with not a lot of antibodies built up. Why am I justifying this? People get colds all the time, there needs not to be a reason for it.

He didn't like being sick, brain feeling all fuzzy and muddled, having a hard time sleeping, and his lungs were aching from coughing.

George was absolutely miserable.

Dream started out by keeping his distance, not wanting to catch anything. But, it hurt his heart to see George so forlorn and in pain.

So, Dream needed to do his duty as the husband, promising to aid George in sickness, and decided to take care of him a little. Sapnap wasn't any help at all, flinching and moving away in horror when George coughed just a little too close to him. That being anywhere from ten feet away, which was the minimum distance Sapnap allowed.

George was purposefully pestering Sapnap, leaning in closer to him with an exaggerated cough, laughing when the other would tell him off.

But, George got worse and worse over the week, expecting to get over this soon and not liking the medicine Dream was giving him, so, he wouldn't take it.

The drinkable kind was disgusting, he'd rather be sick than ever put that in his mouth.

Dream tried to glare at George, arms crossed over his chest when he saw that the medicine bottle resting on the nightstand hadn't even been touched this whole time, but, he softened when the state George was in looked so pitiful.

He was laying in bed, all huddled up under his covers, not even getting up for the day, just texting Dream to please come in here and save him from this hell.

Instead of berating George for not taking the thing that would help relieve his sickness, Dream sat down on the edge of the bed, running a cool hand over George's heated face.

The weird feeling he had at the whimper the touch elicited from George could not be explored any further than that.

Dream made him sit up, sighing when George pressed his lips together, turning his head as he refused to drink the medicine, still. He was too stubborn.

Deciding to just get the pill form, Dream stood up to go rifle through the medicine cabinet, being stopped by a hand tugging at the hem of his shirt.

George didn't want him to leave.

That's adorable.

But, Dream just shooed him off, telling the other he would be right back, stop being so clingy. George pouted, but, was appeased by this, settling back down and waiting.

Dream headed out the door, the soft smile grazing over his lips, the one he didn't want George to see.

Yes, obviously, Dream loved clingy George.

After securing the bottle that hopefully the other would actually take, Dream started to make his way back into George's bedroom. The hall light was the only thing illuminating his path, pouring gently into the dark kitchen.

If only this was Helium, George would be coming in to comfort Dream instead of being sick for no reason, but alas.

Dream felt the air conditioner turn on, coolness grazing over his neck, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, stopping for a moment to let the air glide over him.

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