ch. 6

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Everything was beginning to calm down, all three of the new housemates were assimilating with each other, sliding smoothly into this new normal that had been created after Dream and George got back from their honeymoon.

Not to say there weren't many bumps in the road. Some being more intense than others.

A mild case was when Dream's mom came over to drop off some food, just wanting to pay a quick visit, give them a couple things for George's housewarming, nothing out of the ordinary.

But, they could see the confusion in her furrowed brow when she saw George had a separate room.

Dream quickly explained that away, "That's just the guest room, he wanted his own space for his set up, since we can't be streaming in the same room all the time."

The words were spoken so collected, like Dream hadn't come up with that answer right on the spot. It was easy to forget these subtle things, unnoticeable to them, but, glaringly obvious to others from an outside perspective.

But, again, Dream was good at this, that answer seemed perfectly reasonable to his mom and no further pressing was warranted.

After that whole debacle, though, Dream made sure to move in a few of George's things into his room, making it seem like they shared the space.

You could never be too careful.

And, that sentiment was exponentially heightened when they got a call from the visa people that they were scheduled for a month in check-up, one of three they would have to pass over the next few years.

This first one was vital.

No mistakes could be made at this point, they were already so deep into this whole thing, and they all agreed on the gameplan.

They moved practically all of George's things into Dream's room, making his now much more empty one to be seen as more as an office / guest room. It was better not to risk it, as just saying that George had a lot of stuff in a different room than Dream's could be explained away to his mom, they didn't really want to bring up any more questions with the official government people who could potentially deport George and probably give Dream a hefty fine.

So, for the next few days, George was back sleeping with Dream again, having to do this since the visa people were going to drop by anytime, completely randomly sometime this week.

Besides that, they were pretty much prepared, and them having to share a space for just this temporary time wasn't a big issue, especially after the honeymoon.

George felt his anxiousness skyrocket at every ring of the doorbell, sure that the people would come in, take one look around, and call them out on this scam.

Dream was pretty calm on the outside, but, he felt the same nervousness that George did, even though he would roll his eyes and squeeze the other's shoulder in comfort, internally Dream had the exact high strung anxiety that made his heart drop at any noise from the door.

It was usually Sapnap who was causing it, him being confused when he came inside and his two very grumpy friends would mutter stuff at him, like it was his fault they were like this.

Get a grip Dream and George, geez.

It was another day with no visit, both of them just wished it would be over with, so they could go back to their separate rooms and not have to worry about another check in for some time, which was scheduled after they spent a year together.

By then, everything would most likely be more natural, having been with each other for all that time would surely make sure all the details were laid out and both be more used to this whole scheme.

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