ch. 8

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Dream was closer after the events from yesterday, more in George's space, taking up the room he couldn't help but want to be in.

He was a fairly affectionate person, and found that George was, well, not.

But, it wasn't the case that George didn't like it per se, just unused to the casual proximity.

And, George rarely made any comments when Dream sat so close to him, making their shoulders brush.

Or when he ran his hand through George's messy bed head hair, teasing the other for his disarray. Not a word of protest when Dream used George as an arm rest, besides biting back to the short jokes that were made, of course.

All of this only made Dream more emboldened, something that did not need to be amplified, as he already was pretty brazen.

There were two specific instances in which Dream knew he went too far, and needed to back off a bit.

The first was when the three went to their first movie together since George moved in.

This was a Dream approved movie theater, he was a little bit picky about this kind of stuff, wanting his movie going experience to be a certain way.

It was settling into evening when they arrived, the air around them feeling like a nostalgic summer day from a time so long ago, no responsibilities, just happy chatter as they entered the cooled building.

Dream was prepared, buying tickets in advance, of course, ushering the other two over to the snack booth.

You can't go to a movie without the overpriced snacks, come on.

"We'll put this on George's card," Sapnap decided, trying to reach his hand into the other's pocket to snag his wallet.

George clamped down both his hands in defense, vehemently protesting, "Hey, get off. You should be the one paying."

Dream smacked Sapnap's hand away from George, not liking that the other patrons and theater staff were starting to take notice of this little argument.

"Kids, stop fighting," he hissed.

George pouted, not liking to be told off by Dream, as it was a very rare occurrence, and not ever in public.

Sapnap, on the other hand, had been on the receivable end too many times to count, not afraid to talk back. "Fuck off, Dad. Then you'll just have to pay for this, too."

"I didn't agree to that," Dream replied, wagging his finger at Sapnap, "Rock, paper, scissors. Quick, it's almost our turn."

The furious sound of skin hitting skin in quick succession could be heard, Sapnap groaning when he lost, demanding it to be best of three.

George was grinning ear to ear, so smugly rubbing in his victory of winning every single time.

Sapnap muttered something about cheating as Dream started their order. George made sure to get a few extra things, sticking out his tongue when Sapnap glared at him.

Dream just rolled his eyes at them, walking away from the counter, George following after, amusedly watching the other's face of disgust as he doused his popcorn in butter.

He didn't appreciate the judgemental attitude, "I know this amount of butter is banned in your primitive home country, but, it's better like this."

George shook his head, closing his lips tightly with his face scrunched up when Dream tried to feed him a piece.

The butter covered George's lips, who, when he felt the oily substance on them, started to open his mouth to scold Dream.

But, that just made it possible for Dream to push the popcorn in George's mouth.

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