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Shapeshifter Toga AU


Uraraka was sipping on her tea, accompanied by her friend Asui. They were resting at a coffee shop table after a long day of class, chatting quietly. The brunette relaxed, sighing contentedly. 

"I'm so glad we came here. Training was rough, today."

Asui agreed with a soft kero. Uraraka closed her eyes, enjoying the taste, before she felt something on her ankle. She opened them, looking down, to see a cream cat bumping its head against her leg. She never was an animal person; she liked them, but it wasn't reciprocated, so the attention surprised her. She bent down, giving her hand to the cat carefully.

"Hello there, kitty." She whispered softly, approaching the cat's head slowly. It mewed back, and rested its head against the palm of her hand. She scratched its head, as it purred, melting into her touch. This brought a huge smile on Uraraka's face, not having much chance to interact with animals usually. "I think it likes me, Tsu!" She half-exclaimed, as the greenette looked at them questioningly.

"I wonder whose it is." She replied, standing up to approach the cat. As she reached slowly for it, it backed down and hid behind Uraraka's leg, looking hesitant. Asui stayed still, her hand out patiently. Finally, the feline came to slowly boop its nose against her hand, but quickly walked back to the brunette. "The preference is clear, kero."

"It doesn't have a collar..." Uraraka spoke, as she patted the cream cat. The purrs were soothing her even more, and the soft fur was pleasant under the touch. She was still sitting on her chair, and it wanted more attention. So with an agile jump, it landed on her thighs, as she yelped in surprise. It curled up there, the soft rumbling of its purr not stopping.

Uraraka continued to pat it, searching for the best spot. "I think you just accidentally adopted a cat, Ochaco." Asui said playfully. Uraraka smirked back, though she was thoughtful. "Are animals allowed in the dorms? I mean, we have animal students..." She replied, searching for ideas. "Meh. It's a stray cat anyways, when we leave it will continue its life. It is pretty cool, though." She smiled, giving it soft head pats, as it yawned and slightly changed positions. 

The quiet chatter continued for a bit, as they finished both of their drinks. Finally came their time to leave. "Let's go back to the dorms." Uraraka spoke. Though her tone wasn't any different than in the past fifteen minutes, that's when the cat began to protest, mewing sadly at her. Does it understand me? Uraraka shook that thought aside. "I'm sorry, kitty. It was nice meeting you." She said softly, picking it up to put it on the ground, as she stood up.

The cat began scratching her legs with its paws, meowing in protest. "It doesn't want to leave you, kero." Asui remarked, as Uraraka just looked confused. She never had an animal loving her that much before, and it was endearing. "I can't take it back with me, though." She crouched down, and gave its head some last scratches. "Let's go, Tsu." She said as she stood up, not wanting to regret her decision. She began walking, but quickly noticed the cat following them closely. Well, following her closely.

She pretented not to notice, even if the attention from this cute cat made her feel warm inside. They finally got back, and when she glanced behind her, the cat was still close. She crouched down and picked it up, taking it in her arms. "I'm keeping it, until we can get to a vet and see who it belongs to." She spoke, as Asui just shrugged. When they entered, they noticed Mr.Aizawa, who immediately noticed them.

"And who may this be?" He asked, and Uraraka swore she could almost hear a smile in his voice. She approached him with the cat, as it curled up closer in her arms, its ears pinned back in fear. He inspected it, and since he knew it was scared, didn't take too long. "You can keep her, as long as you can take care of her. Got it?" Uraraka's eyes widened. She wasn't expecting permission from her teacher. Her? So the cat was a female? Uraraka smiled softly, and nodded solemnly, as she headed back to her room, still holding her close.

She put down the cat on her bed, knowing she had to head out again. Unfortunately, she hadn't the money to take care of a cat properly, so she sent a message to Yaoyorozu to get some help, as well as Koda. She closed the door, and sat down on the bed, as the she-cat curled up on her thighs again, purring.

"I have a confident now, don't I?" She giggled, patting her softly, as she mewed back. It was almost as if the she-cat could understand the human, but it was impossible.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I am Ochaco Uraraka, I am 16 years old, and I'm training to be a hero!" She exclaimed proudly, touching one of her pillows to make it float, before releasing it. "I can cancel gravity on any matter! Cool, right?" The cat nodded, purring and headbutting her arm. Uraraka continued to pat her. They would get along great!


"It's not fair, kitty! She's just SO pretty! For God's sake, who allowed her to be this gorgeous!" Uraraka whined dramatically, ranting to her cat. They had gotten pretty close over the past weeks, and the brunette got everything necessary sorted out for the cat to live in the dorms. She never protested about living inside, even though she supposedly was a stray cat, which was weird, but not minded. The cream cat mewed to her, twitching her ears questioningly.

"Right, you don't know who I'm talking about... I have a crush, alright?" Uraraka looked at her cat. She didn't give her a name, instead calling her "kitty" or "kitten", as she didn't want to get too attached in case her owner called. The technique didn't work though.

The feline mewed back sadly, pinning her ears against her head, and lowering her head. Uraraka gave her a few head scratches for reassurance. "Yeah, I doubt she likes me back. One can only hope." She whispered, before shaking her head violently, trying to get the thoughts off her head.

"Who am I kidding? She's a villain, it would never work!" She whined again, covering her face with her arms, as she laid back against the bed. The cat snuggled up closer to her, mewing to her, as if she wanted to hear more. Uraraka complied, though it probably was her own thoughts telling her that. She couldn't rant to anyone else, given the complexity of the situation.

"But damn, she's hot... Let me show you a picture..." The brunette grabbed her phone and pulled up her gallery, selecting one to show to her cat. She got her pictures from the newscast searching for her arrestation, so they weren't the best, but they were still enough for Uraraka to melt over. She showed her, as she let out a surprised meow. "Her name is Himiko Toga! Even her name is pretty... I'm in deep, aren't I?" She spoke sadly, as she scratched the cat's chin lovingly.

"Why am I even telling you this? You're a cat, you can't understand." Yellow eyes met brown ones, as the cream cat tilted her head. "I guess you're just the only one I can talk to." She sighed, standing up, and grabbing one of her notebooks and settling behind her desk to get started on homework. Dating Himiko Toga was just wishful thinking.


The blonde shifted back to her human form, the room in pitch darkness. Uraraka was sleeping heavily, curled up in her bed, as the "stranger" stood beside her. She bent down, and kissed her forehead, smiling softly. 

"I like you too, Ochaco."

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