✨ Reapers✨

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I woke up and got ready for school.

FridayI woke up and got ready for school

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I walked cause I feel like it. I arrived and decided to just go to class.
End of Day
Luke:Hey Angel you still coming to the football game?
Me: Yeah I am going now.
I went to the game then my phone started blowing up
Where the fuck are you?
School over 15 minutes ago.
That's it am coming for you.
Me: Fuck.
I grabbed my bag but it was too late.
Sky:Angel come now!
I went to him and he grabbed my hand and started pulling me out.
Luke:Angel do you need help?
Me:No Luke am fine
Sky:Mind your fucking business
Luke:Who the fuck are you talking to?
Me:Luke go
He was too late Sky's fist collided with his jaw. He then drop to the floor I ran outside to the car and went in. He came out seconds later. We went home. And I went straight to my room. Ella and Dominick are gone cause they live somewhere else. Derek is at training so it's just me and Sky. I bathe and put on an oversized t shirt and panty. And went straight to bed cause I was tired.
I woke up to Sky in my bed sleeping beside me. How did he get here? I got up and went to the bathroom and bathe since we were going to cells.
I put on

I put on

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I went downstairs and cook breakfast and eat

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I went downstairs and cook breakfast and eat. I then saw the news saying
Two years ago these two girls went missing but the wonderful Red lips rescue them and bring them home. They would like to say something. The amazing Red lips thank you for rescuing us we owe you. If you are listening. We thank you and love you.
I then saw Sky come down the stairs ready.
Me:Here I made you breakfast
Him:Thanks,look am sorry about yesterday
Me: It's ok he kinda deserved it
Him:You look hot
Me: Thanks
He finished eating and we left. Like the last time I went behind the man. But he was not speaking in code.
Sky: Bring her in
I then saw one of the guards put in a lady. Sky then ask the man again and he answered but it was for a reason. I then saw the lady raise her hand with one move I throw the throwing knife and killed the girl.
Sky:You were going to kill me? That's not nice is it?
I throw a next knife and killed the man. I came out the corner and towards Sky.
Sky:Thank you,you saved my life.
Me:No problem.
We then stood like that for a while holding eye contact. He then pulled me in and kissed me. To be honest I was shocked but did not hesitate to kiss him back.His lips was so soft. I felt butterflies in my stomach and spark flying. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer and I grabbed the back of his neck deepening the kiss. It felt so right.
Derek: What's taking so-Holy fuck
We broke the kiss and look over at Derek.
Me:Go out we are busy
He then left and I kissed Sky again. A innocent kiss turn out in a hot make out session.
Guard:Boss there is another-Fuck
We again broke the kiss and tell him to leave.
Me: Derek told me you were falling for me
Him:Yes I am but I guess you are falling for me too
Me:Yea who wouldn't fall for you?
He chuckled a little. We went to the other cell were the raven girl was turns out she was the closest to the Mafia leader she was the twin. She was awake when we entered. She looked tired and worn out. She smirked at me but that smirk was not going to be on her face for long.
Me:Since we can't kill you or send you home. Looks like we are going to do stuff to you until you speak. I grabbed one of my knife and went over to her while Sky leaned on the wall smirking and watching me. I stabbed her hand and she cry out in pain.
Me:Are you gonna speak?
Her:Fuck no bitch
Me:You made it harder for yourself.
I cut her hand and she cry out.
Me:The blow torch.
Sky handed me a blow torch and I lit it and run the fire along her skin. I watched her skin slowly melt away. I am used to the scent of burned skin by now. By this time she was literally crying out.
Me:I don't like doing this to girls especially young girls like you but I have to make an exception,sorry not sorry.
She cry out more.
Her:Ok ok stop please
Me:Are you gonna talk?
I stopped but she didn't talk.
Me:Send them in
Sky:Come in boys.
Two muscler men came in the room. They took her to the corner of the room and laid her on the bed and rope her to the bed. One of them tore off her clothes and the other took off his pants. He trust into her while the other took of his pants. He spread her ass and stroke into her ass. While she scream. They went on for a while.
Me:Ok boys stop for a moment.
They stopped.
Me:You ready to talk?
Me:Hmmm ok, continue boys,send another one in.
They started stroking her again but harder while another came in. He went to her head and pulled down his pants and opened her mouth and cover her teeth with his hands so she don't bite his dick. He stroked into her mouth going super hard as she choked on his dick. Another man came in and pound into her pussy while the other man is still in there. I went over to them and sliced her breast and make a little cut,her nipples were hard not to mention the girl was super hot. One of the man lean down and sucked on her nipple.
Me:Bite her
I ordered. The man immediately bit her and she screamed but her scream was muffled. That went on for a while until I notice something
Me:Guys stop,put on back your clothes and leave. Untie the ropes.
They did as I said. And she just smirked at me.
Her:You finally figured out.
Me:Yea I guess so
Sky: What's going on?
Me:She is not the real one. Turn around.
She turned around and I press on her tattoo. She then turn into somebody else I gasped seeing who it was.
Me:W-what are you doing here?
Her:I am in this mafia
Me:Oh,Sky can you excuse make me talk to her in private.
Him:Yea sure
He left and I sat beside her.
Me:When I first came for training and you give the dirty look it wasn't me you were giving it was Sky?
Her:Yes as you know am gay and I really like you. When you came out as bi I though I had a chance.
Me:How long have you known that I was in the Mafia?
Her:I known for a long time and Sasha she is the one who is in the ravens she is in the cell down the hall to the right.
Me:That bitch I knew something was off about her. So you were scared that Sky is gonna steal me away from you?
Her:Yea sorta to be honest you look hot.
(If your asking Quinn is in clothes the things I did to her are not on her skin it affected the real person instead of her)
Me:To be honest I always had feelings for you,I was just scared to make a move.
We looked at each other in the eyes for a while. She then break the eye contact and looked at my lips then back to my eyes. That went on for a while with no words exchanged between us.
Her:*Whisper*Can I kiss you?
She lean in and smashed her lips onto mine. To be honest it didn't feel right. It felt rushed. She started lying down on her back while I crawled on top of her. She rubbed my back and hold onto my waist. I hold myself up by my hands still kissing her. She swiped her tongue across my lip. Asking for entrance and I opened my mouth giving her access. She immediately put her tongue in my mouth fighting with my tongue. Her hand gripped my ass causing me to moan. I pulled away kissed her neck. I went right under her pulse and sucked on the skin there leaving a hickey. I put little bite marks here and there on her neck marking my territory. I kissed all the way up to her mouth and kissed her again. She pulled away and started kissing my neck. I started moaning I bit my lip to contain my moans. She grabbed my ass again but harder.
Me: Mmmmm
She kissed me again and pulled away for air. I got off from on her.
Me: Do you have somewhere to stay?
Her:No I basically live here
Me:Ok,you know Derek right?
Me:Ask him to take you to me and Sky place where he lives. Meet me there tonight.
Me:Come on let's talk to Sasha
We got up and went out and meet Sky at the door with the guys.
Me:Follow me
I started walking ahead of them towards Sasha cell. Until I heard one of the men.
The man:Damn that ass
I stopped right in my tracks and turn towards the man.
Me:What the fuck did you just say? You like my ass. You eat ass. Don't look at my ass it's not yours so don't look at it unless you wanna loose your dick. Do you wanna loose your dick?
Me:Ok then don't look at my ass.
I turned around and walked to the cell we all entered she looked tired and her skin was burnt.
Me:Hey Sasha nice to see you again. Spill unless you wanna die.
Her:What makes you think that am gonna spill clueless bitch?
Me:Ooo I know more than you think. No family been sexually abused by your brother. Two of you together. Dad cheated on mom. Mom cheated on dad. Brother and you sexual abused by father and mother. You have to suck your father's dick every day and eat out your mom's pussy. Suck brothers cock and he eats you out. That's alot of information don't you think?
Her:H-how did you know that?
Me:Have my ways. So are you gonna spill or not?
She sighed.
Her:He is hunting you down and planning on killing Sky.
Me:Where does he live?
Her: Central California near the park.
Me:Thanks love
I called a lady and she came in and took Sasha to the corner of the room and striped her from her clothes. The lady stripped also and she had on a huge dildo.
Me:Men leave,you too Sky.
They leave.
Me:Sasha am not gonna sexually abuse you.Do you want some pleasure?
Her:Yes please
She lined up her self with Sasha and kissed her and pulled away and Sasha sucked on her nipples. Sasha is also gay,ik ik I have gay friends. The lady moaned. They did there thing and I told the girl to take Sasha to the nurse for the burns. Sasha look happy with the lady.
Me:Do you wanna join our mafia? You could get back at your family.
Sasha:Yea thanks. I left the cell and went to find Sky. While Quinn went to find Derek. I found Sky in a room talking to some men. I entered and they gave me death glares.
Me:Why the fuck you guys looking at me like that? Sky am ready to leave.
Sky:Ok am coming
I wait outside at the door for him until he finally came.
Sky:I can't believe your bi.
Me:Yes what's wrong with that?
Sky: Nothing it's hot. Can I take you on a umm d-date?
Me:Not the Sky Hermendez stuttering but sure and Quinn is living with us she is mine if I see you toying around with her am gonna cut off you dick, understood?
Sky:Yes come on.
We went outside to the car and he started driving. We drove and drove for a while. He stopped the car and came out and I did also. We were at a hill side it was so beautiful and the sun was setting. He took out a blanket and spread it out on the grass. We sat and enjoy the view in silence. I keep feeling his eyes on me.
Him:Your just so beautiful,can I ask you a question?
Him:Will you be um m-my g-girlfriend? I know it's a bit early but I can't wait any long-
He was cut off by me kissing him.
Me:Yes I will be your girlfriend but amma be fucking around with girls so get use to it.
I kissed him again and went on top of him still kissing him. He grabbed my ass and I moaned and he slid his tongue inside my mouth. We made out for a while.
Me:Come on let's go to the car.
He got up and I followed and went to the car. We went in and I went on top of him and grinded on him. I was about to take off his shirt when I heard gunshots repeatedly.
I got my gun and Sky started driving I then saw a BMV car following us. I rolled down the window and put my head and hands out and started shooting. Someone started shooting back. I figured out a way to stop them.
Me:Sky continue going on this road but don't try and loose them. Slow down.
He slow down and I jumped through the window since we weren't on the highway. I started running towards the BMW car and jumped on top. I crawled to the side where the passenger side is and shoot the person there. I went through the window and the man who was driving. Took out a gun.
Me:I don't think that's a good idea.
I jumped back through the window and the car crashed because he was not paying attention to the road. The car did not blow up so that gave me the chance to see who sent them. I went to the car and cut open the door and rolled up the man's shirt who I killed. Reapers. What's with these guys. I saw Sky's car pull up. I went to it and went in.
Him:Fuck should of known but good job your a badass.
Me:Ik let's go home.
We drove home and went in. We went in the living room and saw Derek and Quinn on the couch.
Me:Hey Derek,Hey baby.
I went to Quinn and kissed her.
Derek:What the fuck
Me: What's wrong Derek?
Derek has his mouth open and Sky started laughing.
Damn that laugh
Derek:You and her
Me:Yes,you don't know alot about me do you?
Derek:Guess not
Me:I am bi,I love both girls and boys.
Me:Yes,so if you touch her am gonna cut off your dick, understand?
Derek: Y-yeah
Sky:Bae am gonna have some friends over tonight.
I went upstairs. I was walking pass Derek's bedroom when I saw a girl exiting with barely any clothes on.
Her:Who the fuck are you?
Me:Watch who you talking to.
Her:You can't do a fuck about it.
Me:Try me
She slapped me across my face but again I don't feel pain.
Me:You shouldn't have done that before you know who I am.
Her:Who are you?
Me:Angel Diaz, finance of Sky Hermendez,the future sister-in-law of Derek Hermendez and the future mafia Queen of The Venoms.
Her eyes widen at what I said.
Her:Am so sorry I didn't mean to slap you I thought you were another one of Derek's girls.
Me:No but it's ok you never know. And you might wanna put on some clothes princess.
I smirked at her and she blushed.
Her:So you like girls?
Me: Yup
I said popping the p.
Me:I would get a hit off you but I already have one downstairs. So what's your name?
Me: Mhmm I like that. Maybe I would hit you.
She started blushing like crazy.
Derek:Angel what are you doing with my girl?
Me:Oh nothing. You have a hot girl thou,mind if I borrow her?
Him:Oh fuck yes I mind.
I started chuckling at how frustrated he was getting.
Me:I won't steal your girl unless she wants me to steal her from you. So don't worry your little head.
I said patting his head and walking away.
Him:Btw Sky's friends are gonna come over in five minutes.
Me: Gotcha
I went to my room and bathe. After 30 minutes of been in the shower. I came out in my towel. I saw Derek's girl on my bed playing with her fingers and in more clothes.
Me:Hey what you doing here?
Her:Oh um I want to have a chance with you if you don't mind.
Me:Ok I will think about it but put your number in my phone.
I throw my phone towards her and she took it and type in a number and winked at me and left. I put on a hoodie with shorts. I went downstairs and into the living room to see alot of people.
Me:Hey random people where is sky?
???:He is in the kitchen hoe.
Me:What the fuck did you say?
???:He is in the kitchen hoe.
???:Bro you shouldn't have said that,she is Angel Diaz boss's finance and I heard she's a virgin.
Me: That's right,you what's your name I could be friends with you.
???: Jordan
The man who called me a hoe had a smirk on his face.
???:I am Mike but if you are Sky's finance why is he in the kitchen fucking Brittany?
Me:You know I like you right?
Mike: Because of my looks?
He smirked
Me:No because your a pussy,I love pussy. If you think Sky fucking some one else troubles me then your a pussy.
The people started laughing. He glared at me. I just shrugged and blow a kiss at him and left towards the kitchen. I went in and saw Sky fucking the girl I assume her name is Brittany. So the guy was right. At least it don't affect me. The girl was a moaning mess.
Me:Hey Sky,Heyyy Brittany.
I went over to the fridge and took out a bottle of champagne
Me:Oh and Sky we are over and the fact that my father died two days ago means that I don't have to marry you.
Sky:You can't do that
Me: Try me, enjoy am sure that pussy is good. Am gonna figure out who am gonna give my virginity to.
I blow a kiss and walked into the living room again. I heard him calling me but the girl stopped him. I went towards the guy Jordan. I whispered.
Me:Can I sit here?
Him: Where in my lap or beside me?
Me:In your lap,I think your cute.
Him:Yea sure.
I sat in his lap and take a sip of my drink since it was still in the bottle.
Me:Want some?
I gave him and he drank some and gave it back to me. Two men was beside him.
Me:So what's y'all's names?
???: Vallyk
Me:Ok nice to meet y'all.
Sky then enters the room and scan it like he was looking for someone. His eyes landed on me.
Sky:Angel come here now.
I rolled my eyes.
Me:Ugh am coming.
I turn and kiss Jordan on his cheek and got up and went with Sky.
Me:Ugh what do you want?
Him:Why were you in Jordan's lap and we are together?
Me:What do you mean we are together? You cheated with the girl name Brittany and I broke up with you.
Him:No I did not do none of that.
This is sounding suspicious. He don't remember nothing. Wait it can't be he was-
Me:What last do you remember doing?
Him: Going into the kitchen to get something to drink and Brittany came in there and started talking to me.
Me:You have been drugged, Brittany drugged you.
Him:What do you mean?
Me:Fuck,she drugged you then had sex with you on the kitchen counter. And I came in their and saw you guys. I broke up with you and told you that my father died two days ago so I don't have to marry you.
Him:Oh,wait,your father died. Why didn't you tell me?
Me:It was not important.
Two Days Ago.........
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
Phone call
Hey Davi it's me Brandon,I wanted to tell you that father died from lung cancer.
Oh am sorry to hear, maybe I could come look for you guys soon.
Yeah you should,bye.
Phone call end
So father died, that's tragic.
Him:I am really sorry for cheating on you,I didn't know.
Me: It's ok,I figured. Give me the address of where she live tonight ok?
Him:Yeah,so are we back together?
Me:Yes baby but am gonna go check on Quinn.
I went upstairs and went to Quinn's room. I knocked.
Quinn:Who is it?
Me: It's me baby
Quinn:Come in.
I went in and saw her in only towel on with her hair wet.

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