✨ Surprise.✨

8 0 0

My eyes flutter open and I groan as pain shot through my lower stomach and body. I looked around and saw that I was in our room by myself. I sat up and pain shot through me like electricity. I wince loudly and looked at my legs to see them shaking.

"SKY!" I called out in a hoarse voice.

Soon later I heard footsteps running towards the room door. I covered my lower body since it was naked and the door opened. I saw Sky,Sin, Derek and Gabriel holding guns. Their eyes landed on me looking at them and they sighed.

"Are you ok?" Sky asked puting his gun into his waistband holster.

I nodded and the rest left closing the door behind them.

"Why'd you call?" He asked walking up to me.

"You fucked up my fucking legs idiot." I said removing the covers from my shaking legs.

He looked down at my legs and shook his head.

"Am sorry." He said and pecked my lips.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"2 pm." He asked gently running his hand on my still shaking legs.

"Can you get me food?" I asked pouting at him.

He chuckled and nod. He pecked my lips and walked out. I sighed and looked around. He came back with two plates of food with a cup that was on a tray. He put them on my lap and sat down looking at me.

"Thank you." I said.

He nodded and looked at my legs. I ate and raised a brow at the second plate.

"Who's this?" I asked pointing to the second plate.

"Yours. You missed dinner and breakfast." He said.

I smiled and ate the second plate of food. I drank the tea in the cup and he took up the plate.

"You wanna have a bath for your legs?" He asked putting down the tray on the desk.

"Yes please." I said.

He nodded and walked into the bathroom. After while he came out with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had on a white dress shirt and black pants with black shoes. He picked me up and I wince. He looked at me with a sorry look. He walked into the bathroom and took the shirt off me. He put me in the bath and I sighed in content.

"Thank you." I said looking at him.

"Your welcome baby." He said.

He lean to me and kissed me. I kissed back and he kissed me lovingly. He swiped my bottom lip with his tongue and I let him in. He pushed his tongue in and tangle it with mine. I smiled and he pulled away with a smile.

"I have a surprise for you when it hit 8." He said.

"Ok." I said and lean back.

He gently massage my sore scalp while washing my long black hair. He washed out the soap and conditioned it. He combed it out with the condition in my hair. He then washed it out and he washed my body even though I told him I can do it. He dried me off and wrapped me into a fluffy towel. He took me up and walked into the room. He put on one of his hoodies on me and a thong and shorts. I smiled at him and he picked me up and walked downstairs into the living room where I heard talking and laughing. He walked in with me in his arms and placed me down on a chair.

"Good afternoon everyone." I said with a bright smile.

"Good afternoon." They greeted back with a smile.

"Amma be in my office if you need me." Sky whispered to me.

"Ok." I whispered back as they turn on the TV.

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