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november 1st, 2020.
10:29 am.

george groaned at the blistering light shining through his window.

fuck i need to remember to close those blinds.

george slowly climbed out of his bed, rubbing his eyes.

he walked to his kitchen and opened the cabinet, grabbing a bag of tea.

george groggily made a cup of tea, as a usual brit does.

he sat at his table, drinking his fresh tea and he scrolled through his twitter timeline.

tommyinnit: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG MAN @georgenotfound

jackmanifoldtv: HBD GEORGE !!!


and many, many more tweets.

a smile forced its way onto the brunette's lips as saw all his supportive friends and fans.

george was interrupted by an obnoxious ringing coming from his phone.

the contact name read: DREAMMM :)

george clicked the green button and watched as he turned into a small square in the corner of his screen.

"what's up?" george asked, looking at the dirty blonde on his screen.

"nothing, i'm just bored." he smiled.

george rolled his eyes in response, sipping his tea.

"are you having a cup o' tea?" dream asked, mocking a british accent.

"yeah, actually i am." george replied firmly.

dream giggled. "you just wake up?"

george hummed in response.

"any plans for your birthday?"

"no," george sighed. "go for a walk, i don't know." george laughed awkwardly.

"man you gotta be doing something! go to a party or something. treat yourself to dinner!" dream tried to lighten the mood. but dream knew that george was lonely, he didn't live with anyone, his family rarely visited, rarely even contacted him.

"dinner alone? i didn't think i could be an even bigger loser."

"george, when are you gonna move to florida already?" dream asked, completely sincere.

"i don't know dream. as soon as possible, okay? i need to take care of some things first."

"like what?"

"like my visa and stuff. i want to move, but i can't yet." george had no idea what he was talking about, but he couldn't tell dream the real reason he didn't want to move to florida.

dream hummed in response.

"well i have to go, do birthday stuff, i guess."

"okay, bye georgie."

george smiled at the nickname.

"bye idiot," george laughed slightly and hung up the phone.

george finished his tea, accompanied by his cat.

george placed his cup in the sink and walked to his closet. he pulled out a black tshirt, a faded green flannel jacket and blue jeans. he paired it with a pair of high top nike blazers. 

he made his way to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, and did his hair. which by doing his hair he just ran his fingers through it a few times.

george then said goodbye to his cat and walked out his door, with no real idea of where he was going. he wanted to walk and clear his mind, that's all he knew.

george walked down the street to a local antique shop. he stepped into, breathing in the scent of old metal.

he walked around a bit before entering the plant section. he looked at the plants and grabbed one little one he liked. he took it up to the front register and set it down, the man at the register scanned his item.

"that'll be $26.72," the cashier said. george handed him a 20 and a 10.

'my god for this little plant? ' george thought. "keep the change," george smiled, taking his plants and walking out of the shop.

he then walked across the street, to a candy shop. he had always looked at it, but never went inside. 

he entered the store and was fascinated by all the different candies. he didn't even know this many existed. although george wasn't a huge sweets person, he knew dream was.

he vaguely remembered dream saying his favorite candy was sour patch kids. (a/n i have no clue what dreams favorite candy is) so, he bought him a box; even though it would be bad by the time they met. it's the thought that counts right?

after buying the small bag of candy, george walked home. he decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his day at home. like the rest of his days, despite it being his birthday. 

they both die at the end | dnfWhere stories live. Discover now