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december 17th, 2020
12:02 pm

george clutched onto the blonde's shirt, wishing he never had to let go. he inhaled his sweet scent of vanilla, mixed with his cologne. 

george exhaled shakily, nuzzling his head deeper into the blonde's chest as he hummed an almost silent song. george recognized it as 'can't help but falling in love'. did it mean something other than a soft tune?

dream moved his hands from george's waist to his dark brown locks, slowly running his fingers through them. he rested his head on the top of george's, leaving george able to feel the vibration of dreams sweet hums.

"dream?" george's voice shook.


"i'm gonna miss you,"

"george don't say that," dream strengthened his grip on the brit.

george replied with silence, praying to whatever above would save him.

"i'm going to protect you from anything and everything okay george? we're gonna get through this together."

george nodded his head in dream's chest, sorrowfully.

"let's go get dried off somewhere okay?" dream hugged george tight for a few seconds, rubbing his back.

george and dream left the small wonderland they were in, walking in the rain looking for somewhere to dry off or do anything for that matter.

"god i think i'm gonna die from frostbite," george said, crossing his arms trying to keep warm.

dream laughed, "oh shut up."

the two walked in comfortable silence, with the occasional teeth chatter from george and the rain droplets hitting the soaked grass around them.

they finally re-entered the town, searching for any place to enter that wouldn't kick them out instantly for being dripping wet.

"should we just go home and wait out the rain?" george asked with a sigh, defeated.

"i guess," dream mumbled, turning in the direction of george's home.

the two walked home painfully in the rain, looking left and right before they crossed the street several times.

george opened the door, telling dream not to move until he got him a towel, dream complaining about how he was just as wet as him.

george returned with the towel, dream stepped in the house, taking off his sweatshirt.

"dream!" george turned red, turning around.

"what? it's just my stomach george, no reason to be flustered," dream teased.

"shut up!"

the two dried off as best they could.

"should we like.. you know.. write our letters?... to sapnap at least?" dream asked, trying to get it out of the way.

"yeah," george cleared his throat. "i guess."

george left and returned with several pieces of paper and two pens, setting them on the kitchen counter.

dream began writing, much faster than george. he wrote whatever his brain said, he didn't even think about it much.

dear sap,
i'm sorry it had to end like this. i'm sorry i couldn't see you one last time, sorry we couldn't hangout one last time. dying was never on my schedule. if i had known it was our last hug it would of been a little tighter. if i had known i never would see you again, i'm not sure if i would of left. i'm sorry. i love you sapnap, i'm leaving everything in my possession to you. please leave my family a good chunk of cash, though. and give them all a hug from me? pet patches for me too, okay? i love you forever sapnap. i'll see you in another life. this isn't the end.

dream sighed a sloppy 'love dream' at the bottom of the paper.

george though, was having a harder time writing than the american.

dear sapnap,

was all he had written by the time dream was done.

"how are you done? i haven't even started," george tossed his pen on the table. "i can't do it."

"don't feel rushed to do anything george, you'll know what to write when you feel it." dream stood up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door slowly.

george sat, contemplating what he was going to write. he set his pen on the paper once again and wrote everything in his mind.

dear sapnap,
please don't cry over me being gone. the last thing i want is you wasting your precious life over mine. you never know how much time you don't have until you receive that email. don't let me dying stop you from anything in your future. you have a big one ahead of you. as i'm writing this, i can't help but think over all our memories. but please don't think of them in a sense of sadness. think of them in a sense of happiness and comfort. i never want you to think about me and become sad, alright? i'm not dying alone, dream is here. dream is with me. i wish we had a chance to meet. i wish we had a chance to hug. there's so much i wish i could of done, but i didn't know my time was so limited. do it for me? i'm sorry.
- george.

george felt tears course slowly down his cheeks as he signed the letter. why was dream so okay? was this really the end?

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