Broken guitars, broken hearts- PT 1

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A/N: hello, beautiful people! A little disclaimer before we start: don't even try to understand the time-line of this thing, ok? Just go with the flow. You and Helena are the same age and that's all you need to know. Xx

Today's the premiere of my newest movie, "Karma", in which Helena and I played nemesis.

Today's also the day I'm seeing her again, after a whole year since we filmed.
And after a year and seven months since we broke up.
It wasn't hard to get into character, we were so mad at each other that if someone lit up a match the entire set would catch fire.

Why we broke up? Rumors. Fucking rumors. Sit down and listen to this nonsense.

I went on tour with Stevie Nicks. She invited me to come with her after she saw me playing guitar for Miley's remix Edge of Midnight. We became friends right away and weeks after she asked me if I would like to join her and her band.
And because I wasn't working on anything else, I decided to go. This itself was enough to drive Helena insane. We argued a lot, but she had no right to demand that I stayed. She would be traveling in a few days to work with her beloved ex husband again.
We didn't break up, but everything became different. She was distant and really cold towards me. I did my best to make her happy before the trip, but she didn't let me. And I stopped trying.

So Stevie's tour came and I'm not gonna lie, I was truly happy. Living my best life, one could say. The feeling of being on stage with an artist that I admired my entire life was beyond comparison. I was able to forget the turmoil that was my love life at the time, but I must say, I NEVER stopped loving Helena. I thought about her every day and tried to get in touch, but that bitch shut me down.

But then the night after the last show, in Melbourne, she sent me a text, A LONG ONE, calling names, telling me that I was a fucking cheater, that Tim and I were the same, but I was worse because I promised her that I would never cheat, etc. And to be honest, waking up to that message after I had the most amazing night of my year wasn't exactly what I expected.
I called her. One, two, three... nine times, until she decided to answer.

"-WHAT DO YOU WANT, YOU FUCKING WHORE? - Again, I wasn't prepared for any of that, not a fucking clue what was going on.

-Honey, what's going on? Why did you send that text? Why are you being cruel with me?

-Don't you dare to call me honey after everything you did. And don't act a fool because you bloody know what I'm talking about.

-Helena, calm the fuck down and explain why are you talking to me like that!

-I don't owe you an explanation. If anything, YOU DO! I knew this tour was a bad idea, I just didn't imagine you would behave like that!



-Are you talking about Stevie? Because if the answer is yes, let me give you two pieces of information. One: she's eighteen years older than us, and we're 35, she's not old! Second: I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU!!

-Oh, already defending your lover, look how nice you are! EVERYONE SAW THE TABLOIDS WITH PICTURES OF THE TWO OF YOU, HUGGING AND KISSING EACH OTHER!

-What? Wait, wait, wait. Helena, you're gonna believe in tabloids? Really? You, who once was its victim too? You're smarter than that! I can't fucking believe this!

-Don't use they're lack of credibility to escape this, Y/N! That's even dirtier than what they do. How could you do this to me? I fucking loved you!

-I'm not doing anything, goddammit! I'm being honest, I didn't cheat on you. We hugged? Yes, of course we did! We're friends, last night was the end of an amazing time and we were really happy, but there was no kiss, Helena! Believe me! When did I lie to you?

-Never that I know. But there's a first time for everything in life, isn't there? Congratulations, you two are a wonderful couple! The witch and the bitch.

-HAHA HOW FUNNY YOU ARE, HELENA! Listen carefully, woman, cause that's the last time I'm gonna say it. I DID NOT CHEAT ON YOU. I FUCKING DIDN'T AND YOU BELIEVING I DID DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. I love you, Helena Bonham Carter! I love you with every beat of my heart. With every string of my many guitars. But if you don't trust me, if you don't trust my words, there's absolutely nothing I can do. You know that I can't stand injustice and I will not humiliate myself so you can forgive me for something I didn't do. So if that's what you want, this is a goodbye. I wish you well, always did and always will. So tell me, you're gonna believe me or you're gonna leave me?

-You broke me! You fucking broke me and I can't believe you were capable of doing so. It's over, Y/N. We're over!

-So be it. Goodbye, Helena!"

And that was the last time I spoke to her. Later that day, Stevie and I saw what was that all about and she apologized, even tho it wasn't her fault. We were good. Our friendship remained. The initial plan was to enjoy the beauty that is Melbourne, but I couldn't find the motivation to stay, so I grabbed my things and went to the airport. When I landed in London, I went to what was our home and packed the essential stuff: some of my wardrobe, my books and instruments and left.

I traveled back home, to the US of A. I had a house...ok, a mansion in Hollywood Hills and there I cried for days, when I should be celebrating a successful tour.

I had to move on with my life. The world doesn't stop just because you're suffering. That's your problem. And that I did. I attended events. Did interviews. Charity parties. Every single thing I used to do with her. I had to deal with the consequences of the rumors and the questions about my relationship with both women involved. It was a huge mess. And no, I didn't forget her. How could I? She's the love of my life 'till this very day.

But then a very good friend of mine, Guillermo del Toro, asked me if I wanted to be in one of his movies. We all know what happened next. I said a huge yes, he told me that Helena was going to be my enemy (she was, already) and that we would start filming in a month, in New York.

You can call me a masochist, it's allowed.
I really am. Seeing her every day was painful, but she's so beautiful when she's mad. Imagine how gorgeous she looked wanting to kill me. Hot, right? The sexual tension was so there. The hate too. And the love wasn't missing. But we barely spoke after we wrapped up.

So all that leads to today. I'm not only one of the stars of the movie, but I'm also gonna perform at the after party. And guess who wrote a song about jealousy and heartbreak after finding out that the woman of her life was with a new guy? Yep, me. I did. And I'm gonna play this song tonight, whatever the outcome may be.

A/N: ok, this story is my favorite so far. There'll be a part two, I guess I'll update this week. If I don't, my apologies. I'll be busy with college and work.
Bye, loves! Have a great week!

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