Locating Punisher Martinez by using Damian's blood

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Damian and Fire made it back to their mansion in Tokyo and Fire went into the library. Damian followed her and she stood in front of a tall, bookshelf. She chanted, until, a book fell at her feet opened with a picture of a man resembling Damian, but with a mustache and beard. She picked it up and looked at the cover of the book. It said DOPPELGANGERS OF DAMIAN PRIEST & FIRE STORMBORN and she walked towards a table. She sat the book down on the table and Damian looked at the picture of Punisher Martinez.

Fire: Punisher Martinez, have you met him before?

Damian: Yeah, I've met all of my doppelgangers, both good and bad. You, on the other hand, have not met our doppelgangers, yet, but you will, soon enough.

Fire: Okay, well, if Punisher Martinez is near, then, Punishment Martinez shouldn't be too far behind him waitin' to partake me as well.

Damian: Actually, Punishment Martinez is one of my good doppelgangers. You don't have to worry about him.

She grabbed a sai and pricked Damian's left palm with it. He turned his palm over and drops of his blood fell on Punisher's picture. Fire started chanting and the droplets of blood combined themselves together. The blood got on the map and stopped at Tokyo. They looked at each other, and the blood disappeared from the picture, and the map.

Fire: Okay, so, we know that he's in Tokyo, the only part we don't know is where at in Tokyo. Maybe, I did it wrong.

She closed the book and walked out of the library. Damian followed her and grabbed her arm. He put his hands on her cheeks and put his forehead against hers.

Damian: We'll find him, I promise, and I promise I won't let anything happen to you.

Fire: You know, our ancestors' history, and you know, about our doppelgangers being in love triangles. Some of those love triangles ended up being dangerous and my good doppelgangers died in the end. I don't want history to repeat itself.

Damian: I know you don't. Don't get yourself worked up over this, okay?

Fire: Okay.

He kissed her for a little bit.

Damian: We're gonna rally up the werewolves and get on a flight to Africa.

Fire: Africa sounds nice.

Damian: Wait, until, we go to Egypt, you're never gonna wanna leave from there, either.

They left the mansion and went to a Japanese dojo.

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