Damian & Punishment saves Fire/Punishment destroys the demonic babies

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Mercedes ran into the library and looked at both Damian and Punishment

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Mercedes ran into the library and looked at both Damian and Punishment. She stopped and panted heavily.

Mercedes: The both of you need to get to Fire and fast. I don't think she's gonna last that much longer down there with me.

Damian: Explain.

Mercedes: Fire is pregnant with Punisher's demonic babies and they're consumin' her from the inside out. They're gonna turn her evil, Damian. 

Damian: Make sure Cassie and Michelle doesn't follow us.

Punishment: It's too late. They're already down there with her. We'll be back before you guys start cookin'.

They orbed themselves into the Underworld in Punisher's lair and started tracking Fire's scent. Fire fell against a wall with a grunt and kept running. Her stomach continued to grow and her bones began to crack. She started screaming and grunting. Cassie and Michelle ran towards her and helped her up. They wrapped her arms around their shoulders and started walking fast. 

Michelle: We're gonna get you outta here, Fire.

Punisher appeared in front of them and they stopped.

Punisher: You've gotta get through me, first.

Cassie threw him to a wall and he snapped their necks with a wave of his hand after he got up. He walked towards Fire and picked her up. He gave her a kiss and carried her to a river in the cave. He chained her to a fence made out of metal chains and he started kissing her. She woke up and saw the dark water underneath her.

Fire: What're you doin', Punisher?

Punisher: You tried to escape from me, Fire, so, now, you have to be punished by being cleansed of being good. Our children is helpin' us do that to you, right now. I hope you like the water.

He started lowering her down into the water and she panted heavily.

Fire: Punisher, you can be good again. We can help you with that. Don't do this, please!

She went underwater along with the fence and tried to hold her breath.

Punisher: I am a demon doppelganger of your beloved Damian and you can't change a demon!

Damian and Punishment ran into Cassie and Michelle. The girls woke up and they helped the girls up.

Cassie: We had her, until, he knocked us out. We don't have anymore time.

The walls started to shake and they started running. They finally made it to Punisher and Fire. Fire was still underwater holding her breath and Punisher lifted Fire out of the water a little bit where he could see her face. She panted heavily and she looked down at her stomach. It had expanded even bigger and she screamed so loud that chunks of the ceiling fell into the water.

Punisher: I can never go back to being good. Lilith made sure of that.

Fire: No, that's not true. You can, Punisher, you just don't want to. You enjoy bringin' pain unto others like you're doin' to me, right now. You don't care if I die or not.

Punisher: You see, that's where you're wrong, Fire. I do care about what happens to you or not. I want you to live, but in order, for you to be my bride, you'll have to end the war, and plus, you've gotta be evil when you become bride along with being pregnant. So, hold your breath, sweetheart. There's a lot more evilness for you to consume.

He electrocuted her and put her back underwater. Damian speared him and they fell to the ground. They started beating each other up and the fence detached itself. Punisher threw the fence against a wall and Fire got dragged back underwater along with the fence. 

Punishment: You guys, stay here. You're too weak to fight.

Michelle: Punishment--.

Punishment: Just do it, please. You can help me drag Fire out of the water.

He ran towards the water and dived into it. Damian exploded Punisher with his witchy migraine power and he turned into dust. Punishment swam towards Fire and Fire had a little bit of life left in her. Maria appeared in front of Fire and Fire looked at her.

Maria: Fire, I am so sorry that your father and I disappointed you with our selfishness for our deaths. I know that we could've dealt with it a different way, but our pain made you weak, and we felt like we were a burden on you by being your distraction for a family of your own. Don't let Evil prosper over Good. You were born into this world to end all battles and to choose the Good side. Please, say you forgive us by takin' my hand. You must live, Fire, for the world, for Damian, for your family, for your father and I, for your ancestors, and for your good doppelgangers. I am truly sorry, Fire. Let me help you. Don't be afraid, Fire.

Fire (mouthing): I forgive you.

She reached out her hand to grab Maria's and Maria grabbed it. She pulled Fire out of the cuff and Maria disappeared. Punishment swam up with an unconscious Fire and Damian, Cassie, and Michelle pulled her up.

Punishment: She should still be alive and not evil. We must get the babies out of her.

He cut the babies out of her with his claws and turned them into dust. Fire didn't move at all and they looked at her. Damian did three chest compressions on her and put air into her body. She started coughing up the water and everybody hugged her. She hugged them back with a smile.

Michelle: You're not evil.

Fire: No, I'm not. Punishment made sure of that when he spelled the necklace, bracelet, and ring. Thank you, all of you.

All of them (in unison): You're welcome.

Punishment: Let's get you home. You're probably tired and starvin'.

Damian: Don't worry about Thanksgiving dinner. We'll do the cookin' this time.

Fire: Okay, but next Thanksgiving, I get to help out.

Damian: Deal.

They orbed back to the house.

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