Looking for Fire/Punisher explains his history

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An hour later, Damian and Punishment were in the library using the locator spell

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An hour later, Damian and Punishment were in the library using the locator spell. Cassie walked towards them and stopped. Punishment slammed his hands down on the table in frustration.

Punishment: Damn it! It's not fuckin' workin'.

Damian: Why isn't it workin'? He could be rapin' her, by now, or--.

Punishment: Or gettin' inside of her head. He can make Fire look at us in a whole different way when we get her back. He's probably got a cloakin' spell on her, right now.

Cassie: He can't get into Fire's head. Nobody can get inside her head, unless, she wants them to.

Damian: How do you know that?

Cassie: I've tried gettin' inside of her head once and it's like she's got it blocked or somethin'. Haven't you guys ever tried to get inside her head just to know what she was thinkin' or fantasizin'?

Punishment & Damian (in unison): Yes.

Punishment: But we're more powerful than her. How is that possible?

Cassie: Instead of, locatin' her, try gettin' inside of her head. Here, use this.

She gave him a picture of Fire and he took it from her. He chanted a spell and Fire let him inside of her head. He saw her location and jumped out of her head. He looked at Damian and Cassie.

Punishment: We have to get her out of there. She's down in his underworld lair. He's preparin' to make her his bride.

Damian: We need a plan and fast.

Meanwhile, down in the Underworld, Fire was handcuffed to Punisher's bed and he walked towards her. She tried to break free from the cuffs.

Punisher: You can try all you want, but I have the keys to the cuffs, Fire.

Fire: Punisher, my arms are gettin' tired, please. I promise I won't escape. You have my word.

He unlocked the cuffs from around her wrists and she sat up in the bed. 

Fire: Thank you.

Punisher: I'm assumin' you wanna know my background?

Fire: Yes, that and more.

Punisher: I used to be one of Damian's good doppelgangers, Fire, until, I messed around with one of your evil doppelgangers, Lilith. Me and her dated, and then, she left me for another man. She fed me her blood that was filled with her toxic, demonic venom after she broke up with me and that is why I'm evil. It's because of her. I fell in love with the wrong woman who wanted two men, but instead, she chose the other man over me. The one she should've been with for eternity, and I've wanted to make her pay, since, then.

Fire: Punisher, did she want Babbatunde Aiyegbusi?

Punisher: Yes, how did you know that?

Fire: I did some research and his wife was killed by Lilith. Babbatunde never wanted Lilith. He wanted my good doppelganger who was still human. He didn't even get the chance to turn her into a lycan. I believe that you can be good again. I can ask Damian and Punishment to help me cleanse you.

Punisher: Fire, this is who I am, now. If you try to turn me back to my good self, it could kill you, and the unborn life that is startin' to grow inside of you. You're usin' dark magic and with that comes sacrifice.

Fire: I don't care. I'll do anything to save mine and Damian's doppelgangers includin' the evil ones. Just get me out of here.

Punisher: That's the point, Fire. I can't do it. Those babies that are growin' inside of you, right now..., they're mine. Now, that I got you knocked up before Damian or Punishment could, you can be my bride for eternity. You can never go back to Damian and the wolves.

Fire: How? I would've felt it.

Punisher: I gave you some anesthesia medicine to knock you out, so, you won't feel anything. I knew you wouldn't let me fuck you willingly, so, I fucked you without askin' you.

Fire lifted up her shirt slowly and saw her stomach starting to grow. She looked at him with a scared look.

Fire: No.

Punisher (smiling evilly): Welcome to the dark side, Fire.

She got out of the bed and started running. He ran after her and she started panicking calling Damian and Punishment's names.

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