Meeting Punishment Martinez/Punisher shoots Fire with arrows

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Damian and Fire was sitting in the bleachers of the Japanese dojo watching Punishment Martinez go up against his opponent wearing a gray and white mask like his opponent. He defeated his opponent by doing a quick leg sweep and putting his sword against his opponent's neck. He let his opponent get up and the referee raised up Punishment's arm. Everybody in the bleachers cheered for him.

Corey Graves: And your winner, the undefeated Punishment Martinez! Is there anyone here who has the balls to go up against The Undefeated One?

Corey walked towards Damian and Fire and stopped. He gave Damian dap and a pat on the back.

Corey: It's good to see you, Damian. You wanna fight against your doppelganger again? You might come out on top, instead of, it being a tie.

Damian: Nah, I'll sit this one out, but Fire here will give it a shot.

Corey looked at Fire and Fire looked at Damian.

Corey: Well, well, well, you finally brought her here. It's great to finally meet you, Supreme Being. I'm Corey Graves, by the way.

They shook each other's hands.

Fire: Same here, um, did you say that the guy out there in the mask is Damian's doppelganger?

Corey: Yeah, but don't worry yourself, he's the good doppelganger not the bad one.

Fire: Something's not right here. If Punishment is here, then, Punisher isn't too far behind. I can't be here, Damian. If I fight Punishment, right now, Punisher will appear, and possibly kill me.

Damian: Nothing's gonna happen to you out there, especially, if you're fightin' against Punishment. Go ahead and show him what I've taught you so far.

Corey: We've got the guards surroundin' the perimeter, so, Punisher won't get in. Don't worry, Fire, he won't get near you.

Fire (nervously): I'll take you guys' word for it. Keep a lookout for him.

Corey gave her a mask and a set of sais. She put the mask on and Corey helped her down from the bleachers. She got in front of Punishment and the bell rang. They started clanging their weapons against each other's, ducking and dodging each other's moves, and 30 minutes later, the fight was over. Fire had her sais against Punishment's stomach and Punishment had his sword against Fire's throat. Both of them were panting heavily, and everybody in the bleachers applauded, cheered for them, and chanted encore.

Corey: The referee declares this fight a tie between both opponents! Give it up for winners, Punishment Martinez and Fire Stormborn!

The referee held up their arms and Punishment took off his mask. Fire was shocked and looked at Damian before looking at Punishment. Punishment moved his hair out of his face and the referee took their weapons.

Punishment (smiling): Can I see the pretty face behind the mask?

Fire (nervously): Sure, you can reveal your opponent's face.

He took off Fire's mask and her hair covered up half of her face. She looked at him and he looked at Damian. He looked at Fire and saw the tattoo of the five elements on both of her wrists.

Punishment: You need not to be afraid of me, Supreme Being. I'm Punishment Martinez and your name is?

Fire: Fire, Fire Stormborn, it's great to meet you.

They shook each other's hands and she saw flashbacks of what he has done in his life.

Punishment: It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh, Fire. Do you believe what Damian and the others said about me, now?

Fire: I don't know what you're talkin' about.

Punishment: I showed you the truth about me through flashbacks of my life. I know you saw them when we shook hands.

Fire: Yeah, I did.

Three arrows went through Fire's back coming out of her stomach and another arrow went through her chest. Everybody in the bleachers except Damian started screaming and running out of the building. Fire fell into Punishment's arms and Damian jumped down from the bleachers. Punisher ran towards Fire and Punishment, Damian, and Corey made every vein in his body pop. Punisher screamed and orbed out of the building. Fire let out labored pants and Punishment took the arrows out of her back. Damian took the arrow out of her chest and she grunted.

Punishment: We've got you, Fire, just hang in there.

He bit his wrist and held it in front of Damian. Damian bit his wrist and squeezed his blood onto Punishment's bloody wrist. Their blood combined together and Punishment put his wrist against her mouth.

Fire: No, I can't. It won't work.

Damian: You have to, Fire. Those arrows weren't regular arrows. He did somethin' to them to slow down the process of you healin'. Drink our blood.

She held onto Punishment's wrist and started drinking their blood. Her vision started getting blurry and she fell asleep.

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