Tall, medium, short and shorter

31 1 0

You come down stairs in some shorts and one of Karl's shirts you packed. Karl is already downstairs and waiting with the others and he grins when he sees you. You walk over and hug him. "That my shirt?" He asks grinning "You nod your head and grin into his chest. You finally get released from the hug and you walk over to Wilbur and George. You almost get tackled by George who is grinning. "When'd you get taller than me?" He says "Three months ago." You say grinning. "Oh, that's great, you're less than an inch taller so we're the same height basically." He says. "Yep." you respond and go hug Wil. He hugs back but not as excited as before. You let go and look at him. "Wilbur soot if you don't tell me what's wrong right now I'm going to continue to hug you until you do." You say slightly worried. "Ok, Ok. Calm down child." He says slightly grinning. "Ok, but what's wrong?" You say still worried. "Just weird now that two of the three of us are dating someone and don't have the free time like we used to." He says shifting his feet nervously. "yeah, it is weird, I'll give you that. It's not the same." You say hugging him. He hugs back cracking a small grin. "Alright, let's go guys! We have to go get Lani and Drista on the way." Dream says pulling George into a hug and then letting go. Tubbo groans and then cracks a smile. Dream drives one car and Karl drives the other. You, Wilbur, George and Tommy all end up in Karl's car laughing. You slide into shotgun and Tommy, Wilbur, and George in the back. Dream ended up With Sapnap, Quackity, Tubbo and Ranboo. You would End up with Drista and Lani due to the facts that neither really got along with their brothers. After about 5 minutes Karl pulls over and Your roomates get into the car. "How are my two favorite younger sisters?" You ask turning to face them. "good." They say in sync. All of the car bursts out laughing at that and after about another 15 minutes of driving you and the others finally arrive. Everyone gets out of the car and there is a brief pause. Dream then finally explains that we're going to the beach, then going to a carnival. Everyone gets their bags and sprints to the beach. You and Karl are the first out and you turn to grin at him. Once everybody is done changing you and Karl scream "RACE YOU TO THE WATER!!!" at the same time and take of sprinting. You make it to the water first and splash Karl. Soon enough everybody is in the water and George yells "Chicken Fight!!". You and Karl team up after locking eyes for a few seconds. The other teams are Dream and George, Tubbo and Ranboo, Drista and lani, Sapnap and Quackity, and Tommy and Wilbur. The first round is Drista and Lani against Tubbo and Ranboo. Tubbo and Ranboo won by a landslide and Drista and Lani end up in the losers bracket. The second round is Sapnap and Quackity against Tommy and Wilbur. Tommy and Wilbur win only because Wilbur was on Tommy's shoulders because Sapnap was on Quackity's. The first losers bracket game happens and it's double elimination. Drista and Lani win this time and Sapnap and Quackity are now out of the compitition. It's Dream and George against you and Karl. Dream and George prove tougher than you thought and you barely win by shoving dream off George's shoulders. You end up winning and get off Karl's shoulder's and give him a kiss. "Good job pretty boy." You say grinning. You watch Drista and Lani get totally defeated by Dream and George. It's now down to You and Karl, Dream and George, Tommy and Wilbur, and Tubbo and Ranboo. It's now Tubbo and Ranboo against Tommy and Wilbur. Tommy and Wilbur win again this time with Tommy on Wilbur's shoulders. Tubbo and Ranboo go against Dream and George and put up a good fight, but end up  losing. It's now you and Karl against Dream and George. You put up a fight proving harder to eliminate than the others, but you manage to shove Dream off George's shoulders again. It's now the finals and it's You and Karl against Tommy and Wilbur who are both taller than the two of you combined. The match starts after a few minutes and It's pretty even. It's you and Wilbur up top and both of you can't knock the other off. Finally you get the chance to knock Will off and you take it. You laugh at Will and get down from Karl's shoulders. "You hug Karl and go check on Will to see if he's still alive. "Nice win Y/n." Wilbur says getting up. "Thanks, but you made it easy, you got distracted and i shoved you." You say cracking an evil grin. "GUYS, FOOD!!!" George screams at those of us still located in the water. "OK GOGY!!!" You scream back running out of the water. You end up getting the best sandwich in the group and You can't help but grin. You end up eating it slowly rather than being like the guys who ate it in one bite. You finish lunch in about 5 minutes and run back to the water grinning. Dream digs out a volleyball and You, Wilbur, Karl, and George all run out of the water to form a team. Dream ends up with Drista, Lani, and Tubbo. You end up getting the first set match point and setter tip the ball for the winning point. Your team ends up winning the first set and losing the second. Your team ends up in a duce during the last game, but you jump and block Drista's spike causing them to loose the game. You all pack up and head home around four. By the time you get home it's four pm and everybody is ordering food. "Who wants Olive garden?" George asks. "US!!" You, Wilbur, Karl, Drista, Lani, Ranboo, and Tubbo all yell at the same time. Everybody gets some olive garden and you end up with majority of the bread sticks because everyone else is too full for them, but you aren't.


Carnival is next chapter

Update tomorrow or later today if I can make it possible, if not plan for two days from now.

Don't forget to eat some water and drink some food.

Have a good day/night!

Love you guys <3

Word count: 1100

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