The Carnival

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After Dinner everyone goes to change into something to wear to the carnival. You end up looking similar to this:

You come down the stairs with Lani and Drista following you and looking nearly identical, just in blue and yellow

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You come down the stairs with Lani and Drista following you and looking nearly identical, just in blue and yellow. Everyone is ready to go so you head over to Karl's car and slide into the front seat grinning. You've always loved carnivals, plus this time your allowed to split up from the group and hang out with your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend. Once you get there after an hour or two of driving Everybody splits and is told to regroup around four am. You split off with Karl and grin at him. You look around and crack a huge smile. "THERE'S A FERRIS WHEEL!!!!" You screech and run over grinning. "PLEASE KARL PLEASE" you yell back at him. "Ok, if it makes you happy." He says grinning. At the ferris wheel you and Karl are the first in line and you get on grinning. You grab Karl's hand and grin. You guys go around three times and on the fourth time he lets go of your hand. "Hey Y/n, close your eyes and count to ten and open your eyes." He says grinning. You close your eyes and start counting to ten. You hear shuffling and wonder what Karl's doing. You finish counting to ten and open your eyes. You look around to find Karl on the floor of the box on one knee. "Y/n, We've been dating for about a year now, and you are the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful, sweetest person I have ever met and probably ever will meet. Will you marry me?" He proclaims blushing and grinning. You turn red and start crying. "Yes!!" You say in tears grinning. He slides the ring onto your ring finger and grins. You go around once more for a fifth time and end up getting off on what would've been your 6th. You've managed to calm down by the time you get off and you get off and let Karl pick what you're going to do next. He decides on going to go get a bunch of Caramel apples. He pays after a few minutes of arguing. You each brought a backpack expecting to bring things home so the caramel apples go in your bag. He practically runs over to the area 51 ride and you follow. You end up getting on and being put right next to Karl and you hold his hand and grin. After a lot of rides you and Karl go play some carnival games. After a lot of winning both backpacks are filled with things, yours with snacks for later, and Karl's with stuffed animals. Soon enough it's 3:30 in the morning and you end up sprinting back to the cars and barely making it by four. "Hey!" You say waving at them. "Hey, we were wondering where you two were." George says grinning. Wilbur walks over and grins. He holds his hand up for a high five but you have to jump for it and miss. George watches and sees a flash of silver when you come back down. "Y/n, can I see your hand please?" George says. "Sure, but why?" you ask confused. "Just wanna look at something." He says grinning. "ok." You say and place your hand in his. "I KNEW IT!!!!" George screeches and holds your hand up "THEY'RE ENGAGED YOUR HONOR!!!' George screams hugging you and grinning pulling Wilbur into the hugs as well. Wilbur smiles and laughs. "Congrats n/n." He says beaming down at you. "Thanks Wilby." You say still enveloped in George's and Wilbur's hug. You grin and can't help but laugh with Wilbur and George. They finally let go and everyone heads to the car after a lot of "Congrats You two!"s and "YES! WE KNEW IT!"s. Drista manages to slide into the front before you and you grin. You'll sit in the back with Wilbur, George, and Lani. George and Wilbur hug you all the way home and then they split off into their own rooms to go change then meet back up in your room where you and Karl already are. You end up helping make the fort a lot bigger and grin at the bigger fort. You and Karl cuddle on the bottom bunk and watch Wilbur's favorite movie The Lorax. You fall asleep to Wilbur mumbling how bad can I be. You wake up and walk down stairs to find that you're the first one up for once. You make coffee and get a caramel apple. "Mmmm." You say after taking a bite out of it. Wilbur comes down and grins. "Eating Caramel apples for breakfast?" He asks grinning. "Yeah, what about it?" You say grinning back. "Oh nothing." He says. You walk over and hug him and let go after a few seconds. "You are the lorax." You say. Tommy comes down the stairs and you set your apple down on a plate. You walk over to Tommy and he quits walking. You move your hands as if to chop down a tree and say "Chop down the tree!". Wilbur walks over and picks you up and says "No Y/n.". and you grin.  Karl and the other feral boys come downstairs grinning and you panic knowing this can't be good. You stay close to Wilbur worried. George runs over to you guys and grins. You pull him into a hug and notice a glint of silver. You let go of him quickly and grab his hand. "GEORGE! NOT! FOUND! YOU DID NOT!!!" You scream not believing this. You hug him again and start crying. "Congrats Gogy." You say into his shoulder. Wilbur hugs George and grins. Soon enough the entire house knew that Dream and George got enagaged this morning. To celebrate The four of you who are engaged got to pick what we wanted to do. You end up getting to decide what to do and you decide to take everybody to the roller rink. Everyone is pumped about it and runs upstairs to go get dressed. You end up with shorts, one of Karl's shirts, his hoodie, long socks on, and skates on. 

Everyone is ready after around 15 minutes. You drive this time because Karl has done all the driving so far. You finally make it to the roller rink after about 20 minutes. Everyone gets out and goes to the window. You're the last to enter and the group is waiting for you just inside the door. "Is your name Y/n L/n?" The lady at the window asks. "Yes, I am." You say slightly confused. "You're the best roller skater in the country!!!" She sqeals getting the group's attention "I would,'t say best, I just practiced a lot..." You start to say "You can have free entry since I expect you practice here all the time." She says. "Thanks, but I'm-" You start but get cut off by her "Oh no, I insist!!" She says. "Thank you Ma'am. Have a nice night!" You say starting to skate away. "You're the top skater in the country?!" Karl and the others ask. "I guess, nothing to it really, just trial and error." you say shrugging. "We practiced with Y/n when we were littlle so we're up there too." George says grinning "George and I ended up moving though and Couldn't practice with Y/n anymore so we aren't as good, but we're still decent." Wilbur adds. You help everyone get what size skates they need and help them lace the skates up. Karl grins at you and skates over to you. You, George, and Will all head over to the entrance and skate in. You start skating and speed up. Gogy and Wilbur and right behind you and you backwards skate and grin. "Sup Wilby?" You ask grinning. You turn around and actually start to have fun. Karl skates over at you grinning. "Hey, follow me." He says and skates over to an area. You skate after him and grin. He skates to a seemingly random area and you follow. He stops and pushes on a part of the wall and it moves out of the way. He starts forward and you follow. It leads to a secret room that The others are already inside.


Long chapter, Working on a new one tomorrow.

Let me know if You want a Wilbur x Reader fanfic below.

Don't forget to eat some water and drink some food.

Have a good day/ Night!

Love you guys <3

Word count: 1430

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