The twins

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The others are already in here and Wilbur and George skate in after you and Karl find a spot. "Does everybody know why we're here?" Wilbur asks. "No." Karl says "Well, There's this..." He starts to say and trails off blushing. "WILBY'S GOT A CRUSH!!!!" You scream and skate over and hug him. "About time too after denying every girl that liked you before." You joke and nudge him gently in the ribs. "Her name is Hannah, she's the cutest, nicest, most sweet human being on earth besides Karl, Y/n, and George." He says grinning. "Is her last name Samana?" You ask grinning. "Yeah.. HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" He says shocked. "That's one of my favorite twins sir." You say laughing. "Wait, she's a twin?" He questions confused. "Yes, her twin is Olivia, My other favorite twin." You say cracking a smile as wide as Texas. Wilbur looks up grinning. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and walks out of the room. You grab Will's hand and skate over to Hannah and Olivia. "GIRLIES!!!" You squeal and hug them. "This is Wilbur, he'd like to meet my american friends since he's a British boy and uncultured." You joke grinning. "Hey, I'm Wilbur! I'm one of Y/n's British friends." He says blushing "Hey, I'm Hannah, and this is my twin Olivia." She says grinning and turning slightly red. "Yo, I'm Olivia, You've obviously met Hannah, and We're identical." Olivia says also grinning. "That's cool. Wanna go get some food?" He asks sounding casual. "Sure." Hannah says. "No thanks, I have to speak with Y/n, Thanks though!" Olivia says grinning. Once they skate away you look at Olivia and grin. "Hannah's always been into the British ones, Plus he's kinda cute. I'll let her have him." Olivia says grinning. "The baby sister isn't going to protect the older sister anymore? That's adorable." You joke. "I have to let her one day, otherwise she'll never learn." She says. "True, wanna go skate now?" You ask. "Sure." she says and takes off leaving you to catch up. You catch up easily and grin. After a while you get hungry and go to get some food with Olivia. Once you have your food you sit with Olivia and grin. "Who are you looking at?" You say grinning "Oh, just some American boy that's kinda cute." She says sighing. "What's his name?" You ask grinning. "Jack.." She says blushing. "Let's go skate and then we'll go talk to him." You suggest grinning. She agrees and grins. After a while you go talk to Jack with her and they hang out for a while. You go skate and the song "Friends from the other side (Disney Villain mash up.) " By Thomas Sanders comes on and you, Wilbur, Hannah, Olivia and Jack all end up near each other and you scream the lyrics out and Burst out laughing after screaming "I got voodoo, I got hoodoo. I got things I ain't even tried. 'Cause I've got friends on the other side. And if you aren't shaking, there's something very wrong. 'Cause this may be the last time you hear the boogie song. Woah (woah) Woah (woah) Woah (woah). I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!" You all end up falling and then you all sit up still laughing. It gets to be four am the the skate rink closes. Hannah and Wilbur exchange snapchats while Olivia and Jack give the other their phone number. Hannah and Olivia drive home while you and the others get into the car. Wilbur drives and you sit in the back next to Karl. On the way home you end up falling asleep on Karl's shoulder and wake up to him slightly moving. "Huh?" You sat groggily. "We're home Y/n.." He says "Oh, Ok." You say tiredly. You go to get out of the car and trip. Karl grabs your hand and pulls you backwards. "Be careful.. I don't want you to get hurt.." he says. You fall backwards and end up on his lap. You turn bright red and get off his lap quickly. "Sorry.." You say still turning red. You get out of the car and walk to your room. You get dressed in your Pjs and you crawl into bed. You fall asleep after a few minutes and wake up in the middle of the night and start crying. Wilbur is the first to hear your muffled sobs and he quietly runs over to your room and hugs you. "Y/n, what happened?.." He asks hugging you as George runs over with Karl. "I-I-I-I d-d-do-o-n-n't k-k-k-know.." You say between sobs. "I-I-I w-w-woke u-up c-c-crying.." You say. "Oh Baby.." Karl says and sits next to you. George hugs you after Wilbur lets go. Karl takes you and holds you in his arms. You cuddle into his chest and try to quit crying. After a while you fall asleep. You wake up the next day to find Karl, Wilbur, and George all up and looking extremely tired. "Why are you guys up? It's 12pm..." You ask "You woke up crying and we stayed up to make sure you were all right." Karl, George and Wilbur say in unison. "Oh.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you up.." You say feeling bad. "It's fine Y/n! We don't mind staying up for you!!" George says running over and hugging you. Karl and Wilbur join in on the hug and confirm what Gogy said. You end up building them a fort and Doing a movie day. the others join in and soon enough your room is full. Wilbur, George and Karl all fall asleep at the same time making everybody laugh. Drista and Lani are near their brothers and watching Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2.  You eat a Caramel apple and then fall asleep. You wake up to Dream and George laughing at each other and cuddling. Karl is awake and in a circle with them, Sapnap, and Quackity. sapnap and Big Q are cuddling to Karl is just kinda there vibing .You quietly get off the bottom bunk and move to where Karl is. You sit next to him and grin. "Hey sleepyhead." he says grinning. "Morning pretty boy." You say grinning as he kisses you forehead. "Cuddles?" You ask. "Of course baby." He says pulling you into a hug and grinning. You hug back and let go after a few minutes. You cuddle Karl and Addams Family comes on. You grin and watch the movie. At around 10 you realize that everyone leaves tomorrow. "Guys, we need to pack and clean up, we all leave tomorrow..." You say Everyne gets up and scrambles to their rooms and starts packing. You finish packing in about 15 minutes since your room wasn't messy. George and Wilbur both run in and give you a hoodie and in Wilbur's case a hoodie and a beanie both identical to his. Thanking them you pack them and grin. You clean up the blanket fort with help from everyone once their done packing and make the beds in your room with Drista and Lani. Your were ready to go by one am and you ordered breakfast for everyone knowing what they'd eat. Everyone is gathered around the huge table thanking you for getting them breakfast. Everybody eats and occasionally swaps food, but it's mainly silent. soon enough it gets to be three am and your flight leaves at four. Everyone pulls you and Karl into a hug squishing you into the middle with George and Wilbur right next to you along with Karl. After a few minutes everybody lets go and you go get your suit case. You come downstairs to find Wilbur and George talking to Karl. Everyone gets their suitcases and packs them into the car. George drives to the airport and you and Karl unpack the car. You grab your suitcase and run over to your flight after exchanging fast goodbyes. You make it with 10 minutes to spare. Once the flight takes off you fall asleep and don't wake up until 10 minutes before you land. Once you get off the plane and get your bags Karl meets up with you and he drives home and fall asleep.


Longer chapter :)

Late update because of writer's block and other activities.

next update either tomorrow or in two days.

Don't forget to eat some water and drink some food!

Have a good day/night!

Love you guys! 

Thanks for reading!

word count: 1410

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