Pretty Boy

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TW: Kn*ves, Pan*c att*ck, and Ha*nted Houses with scary people!!!

Summary at bottom so you don't have to read triggers


Looking at the time you grin. You know that Karl loves to cook you breakfast, but you decided to surprise him this time. You get out of bed still in sweats and his hoodie. You put on your wireless headphones and turn on your playlist. The song Take her to the moon by Waterparks on and you vibe and softly sing 'Yeah, you cloud my. Yeah, you cloud my head. But I can't stay lost forever. Yeah, you cloud my. Yeah, you cloud my head. But can you really get lost in Heaven? Yeah, you cloud my. Yeah, you cloud my head. But I can't stay lost forever. Yeah, you cloud my. Yeah, you cloud my head. But can you really get lost in Heaven? But can you really get lost in Heaven? But can you really get lost in Heaven?" while singing you get out ingredients for cinnamon rolls. You make the dough and then sprinkle cinnamon in the dough. You roll it into the cinnamon roll shape and then set it in the dish. You set the stove to 350 degrees fahrenheit and let it get up to temp while you work on the bacon. The stove is finally at temp and you put the cinnamon rolls in to bake for 10 minutes. The bacon finishes and you cover it with a paper towel. (This is just what my family has always done so yeah) The cinnamon rolls are soon done and you let them cool slightly before you put the icing on them. You hear movement as Karl wakes up. You put icing on the cinnamon rolls before Karl would come downstairs. Karl comes downstairs and looks around beaming. "Bean, Did you cook all of this??" He asks grinning. "Yes, just for you." You say and hug him. "Awh, Thanks Bean." He says hugging back. The two of you just kinda spin in circles while hugging and finally let go after a few minutes. You get out plates and forks while Karl gets out the milk and cups. The two of you eat in comfy silence grinning at the other every few minutes. After your done you go get dressed in your room in a batman t-shirt, black pants, and Karl's hoodie. You hear a knock at your door and you open the door slipping the hoodie on. "Yeah babe?" You ask wondering why he's still in his pjs. "Jimmy wants to know if we're free for a challenge." He says. "I'm down, what time?" You ask. "15 minutes." He says. "Ok, Go get dressed, I'll drive." You say grinning. You go to the kitchen and get the keys from the rack. You get out to the car and start it. Karl joins you after a minute or two of waiting in the car. You drive to the wear house and you grin at Karl after you park. You get out of the car and Karl follows suit. He grabs your hand and you hold his hand and lets him lead you into the wear house. Once your in the wear house Karl explains the challenge."It's basically a last to leave the haunted house but couples edition." He says grinning. "Ok, most haunted or least in the world?" You ask knowing that Jimmy would try to surprise them. "We'll see in a few seconds." He says turning around. You move to his side and squeeze his hand. he squeezes your hand back and you hold his hand. Jimmy announces who has what and you and Karl lock eyes and start laughing. "W-we did get the one we knew we'd get." You manage to say in between giggles. You and Karl go the you're haunted house outside of the wear house and you grin at him. You and Karl set up camp and put the other on call. You two already agreed to go explore and meet back at camp when one hit three dead ends or got too scared. The two of you were on call just for comfort because you two were both kinda scared already. You head off in the opposite direction as Karl and then start walking. You talk to Karl on call and then you hear him mumble "What the honk was that..." You scream after a knife is thrown at you and you turn and sprint far away from that and back to camp. Karl beats you there and you collapse crying. "Baby, what happened?" He asks holding you close. "K-k-knife.. T-thrown a-at m-m-m-my h-h-head.." you manage to choke out between sobs. You start having a panic attack and Karl wraps a blanket around you knowing that it helps you start to calm. You shake with your sobs but eventually you manage to calm down after Karl sits by you and hugs you. Karl texts Jimmy something and Jimmy comes in. "Hey, Y/n, You can leave the challenge and We can give Karl a new partner for this challenge if you want." He offers carefully knowing that you more than likely want to bring Karl with you. "O-Ok, But It's up to Karl if he wants a new partner or if he wants to leave the challenge." You say staring into Jimmy's eyes because he was going to leave it up to you. "Alright Y/n. Karl, Do you want a new partner or do you want to leave the challenge?" He asks. "Jimmy. Somebody has to drive Y/n home. and she wants it to be me judging by her hand signals to me." He says starting to argue with Jimmy in your defense. You walk over to Jimmy and softly yank on his sleeve since you can't tap his shoulder. "You could put in a replacement team for us, I don't want Karl to give up because of me." You say looking up at Jimmy. Chandler and Chris walk in because of the raised voices of Karl and Jimmy. "Y'n, You look like a wreck, what happened?" They ask. "Just a few knives thrown AT my head, and a Panic attack." You say "Oh dang." They say looking over at Jimmy. "I've suggested to Jimmy to give us a replacement team because I want Karl to drive me home so I'm not home alone.." You trail off shifting your feet. "Chris looks at Jimmy and glares at him. "I'd go with what Y/n is offering, She just had a panic attack and Isn't steady enough to drive herself home and she obviously wants Karl to drive her home because he's 1. her boyfriend 2. a comfort to her and 3. She lives with him since she got doxxed." He reasons "Actually, we're fiancés." You and Karl say at the same time. "Well, her fiancé then." Chris corrects himself. "I don't have a replacement team." Jimmy says starting to get annoyed. "Oh, but you do Jimmy, Chandler and I can fill in. We're out but we can be fill ins for them." Chris says starting to turn slightly red. "Ok, God. You two are the fill ins." He says rolling his eyes at Chris and Chandler. "Y/n and Karl, You're free to go." He says opening the door. "Thanks Jimmy..." You say quietly passing him. "Thanks Chris and Chandler!!" You yell back at them. Karl grabs your hand and you smile slightly. "Thanks Karl." you say and hug him once you're out of the wear house. "You're welcome baby." He says hugging you back. You finally make it to the car and you grin. "Have I mentioned that you're the best fiancé I could ever ask for? What did I do to deserve the perfect boy?" You say grinning at him while you get into the car. "A few times, But have I ever mentioned that You're perfect just the way you are and I couldn't ever ask for a better fiancee? You existed. What did I do to deserve you?" He says grinning. " A couple times, and you just simply existed." You say giving him a kiss. "Pick a song shortie, we're gonna go somewhere." He says grinning over at you. "Ok!!" You say grabbing his phone as he hands it to you. He gets a text but you think nothing of it and connect the bluetooth to the car. You finally decide on the song Choke by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME and turn it on and sing along to it. "So bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep..." You sing with the music and realize that Karl passed the house. "Uh, Karl, We passes the house.." You say concerned. "We're gonna go get some snacks and then go home." He says glancing over at you then directing his attention back to the road. "Oh, Ok!" You say. The song 505 by Arctic Monkeys comes on and you vibe to it and sing along "I'm going back to 505, if it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive. In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side with your hands between your thighs.." Karl pulls into a place you don't reconize and Gets out of the car. You unplug the aux and hand him his phone after he opens your door. "Thanks babe." You say and give him a quick kiss. You follow him and grin. He took you to a Boba shop, Boba is your favorite thing after a mental breakdown, right after yfcs. (Your favorite Candies) You hug Karl after he orders you a strawberry boba. "Thanks babe." You say grinning at him. He gets a mango boba and you offer to pay but he doesn't argue and instead outs his card down for charge instead of yours. You pick up your boba when it's finished And walk to the car holding Karl's hand. The two of you get into the car and you turn on Sweater weather. You and Karl both Scream the lyrics and Karl pulls in front of Walmart. "MONSTER RUN!!" you scream and run to the entrance. Karl catches up easily and grind at you. After you make it into the store you make your way quickly to the monster section and get like 50. You run and go get candy and other snacks while he gets more drinks that aren't monster. After a minute or two of you trying to find Karl he end sup finding your 5'4" self. "Hey shortie." He says grinning. "Hey tall." You say grinning back at him. You go check out and pay for it with your card before Karl can start to argue. Karl drives home and you grab the snacks are basically run to his room still holding the snacks. He walks in and grins and you. "Somebody's ready for cuddles and a movie." He says. You nod and set the snacks down in their usual spots. He turns on Luca knowing that it's one of you favorite movies and that you love the storyline. You cuddle with Karl and open a monster while helping yourself to some Sour patch kids. "I couldn't ask for a better finacé." You say grinning at him. "Thanks Bean, And I couldn't ask for a better fiancee." he says kissing the top of your forehead. You and Karl switch movies after Luca is over and you end up watching one of his favorite movies, Ratatouille. You cuddle up to him while watching the movie and you lay your head on his chest. "I love you Karl." You say and lace your fingers together with his. "I love you too Y/n." He says kissing the top of your head. You and Karl stay like this while watching the movie and a couple of times you and Karl exchange words but other than that it stayed silent except for the movie audio. Ratatouille finally ends and Karl turns on Aladdin. You fall asleep cuddling him and you couldn't have been happier in the moment.

Summerization: You and Karl did a challenge with Jimmy and you had to leave and Karl drove you home after getting snacks and boba. Chris and Chandler took your place in the challenge after you and Karl went home after arguing with Jimmy for a few minutes. After you get home you and Karl cuddle, eat snacks, drink monster and other drinks (No alcohol) and you fall asleep happier than you thought you could be.


Long chapter for you guys, I spent like a day writing this so yeah,,

Don't forget to drink some food and eat some water!

Have a good day/night!

Love you guys! <3


Word count: 2121

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