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1st update for 1st and 2nd requesters

requested by: Joyu_ri
genre: fluff

requested by: Joyu_rigenre: fluff

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"Is Chaehyun performing already?" Ning Ning went on your side, holding her Pringles. "She's next" you replied, eyeing the current performers. "Dont worry too much, we know she's very talented, she can debut" Karina popped up on your side, rubbing your shoulders gently.

"Omo... when can I get a supportive girlfriend like Y/n?" Minjeong waltzes infront of you. "Karina unnie is right infront of you, duh" Aeri from the single couch told the now glaring Minjeong.

"Ooh, it's Chaehyun" Ning tapped your shoulders that made your eyes turn to the television.

"Not bad... she's probably nervous" Ning rubbed your shoulders. Chaehyun was indeed nervous, her voice crack says so. You can't be there supporting her right now because of the pandemic and their phones were confiscated. You could only post on your Instagram to cheer her up, you know she will read it before going to sleep later.

SM wasn't bothered at you and your group supporting her. They said it's fine, she was your friend anyways. They didn't knew you two were something more. You were also the reason why Chaehyun left so you could debut with Aespa. You promised to support her in return, making sure she will debut. You will promote her no matter what.

"She did well... I wish we could go there and cheer for her" you mumbled sadly that made your team mates frown. "You can got to their dorm, actually... you can easily ask manager-nim" Karina suggested but you shook your head. "They have guards there, you know. And, only authorized persons allowed to enter"

"They're just one block away from our dorm, you can walk and pretend as Chaehyun's sister or something" Minjeong said. "They let in family members"

"I suck at lying..."

"Then contact her mom, tell her to help you get in" Giselle suggested. Your group is really supportive to the two of you. After Chaehyun announced she's leaving SM Entertainment, they were the first ones to comfort you through it. Chaehyun sacrificed alot of things for you to debut and now, you must return the favor.

"If only-"

"Eommo-nim! Annyeonghaseyo, it's Jimin... Y/n wants to give Chaehyun something but she can't enter their building...-"

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