jeonya is the best ー 15. 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐮𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧

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genre: fluff

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"How many times are you going to say that? That's like your... 50th time already" Doah complained while massaging her ears. "Let her, maybe she likes that trainee who said that" you pushed Ziyin's (miss you) shoulders. "Its not like that... its just... so iconic"

You can't deny it. Kim Suyeon is so confident earlier. You admit, you kinda like her but you're still not sure about it and you're afraid the girls will ignore you if you tell them. "Uhuh, iconic, I see" you heard Mashiro, your Japanese cell mate. Xing Qiao and Rinka were silently walking behind because they dont understand the four of you well. Ziyin and Mashiro are fluent in Korean so they can communicate easily. "My gay radar is going wild, someone is gay- oops" You Dayeon froze on their room door. "What did you say, unnie?" Her cell mates inside of the room asked since they don't understood her. "N-Nothing... let's go to the practice room" she smiled awkwardly at you before passing your group. "See? Even You Dayeon sensed you" Doah nudged you.

"So you really like Kim Suyeon?" Mashiro asked. "N-No, unnie. I just met her like... today"

"Love at first sight?" Ziyin wrinkled her brows. "Ani~ look, Jeonya is the best. Thats it. You know what guys, let's practice" you grab Doah's hand, running towards the practice hall on the 3rd floor. As you got there, you fixed your hair first before pushing the doors while shouting,


You thought there will be no inside but actually, the Yes or Yes team 1 and 2 and some The Eve members were there. "Ey~" Shana dabbed at you. You immediately shut your mouth after your eyes landed on Suyeon who's looking back at you. You broke off the contact and your gaze went to Yes or Yes Team 1's Ma Yu Ling. She wriggled her eyes at you then you wriggle back. "My gay radar's telling me Ma Yu Ling is-"

"Hey, go and sit there" Doah suddenly pushed you forward that almost made you stumble. "Hey! That's not so polite of you, Miss Kim!"

"Duh, I'm you're best friend slash classmate, Miss Jeon" she rolled her eyes playfully before dragging you towards one corner of the room. "What were you saying earlier?" Mashiro asked. "Oh, nothing... it's just-" you stopped talking as you saw You Dayeon looking at you. She wriggled her eyebrows and you did it back. "What are you doing? Gay language or something?" Doah stared followed your gaze and she wriggled her eyebrows at Dayeon that made the other girl shook.

"Hey, you're scaring her" you nudged Doah. "What? I'm just telling her we are a family" Doah chuckled. "Shut up, let's start practicing" you shook your head as you listen to their leader.

Mashiro already went on the far side corner forgetting that you're her cell-mate. So the room got like 4 teams practicing. You can't stop looking at Jeonya's group and everytime you look there, it's either Suyeon or Shana looking at you then whispers to each other. It's scary because you don't know what they are talking about.

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