inlove ー 5. 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐚

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genre - angst (not-so) to fluff

Yurina never liked Xiaoting in the first place

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Yurina never liked Xiaoting in the first place. Xiaoting looks innocent but she's afraid there's another side of her. Yurina is actually scared of the entire Chinese trainees because they looked... intimidating. Except the Liang Twins.

After Yongeun picked them as her cell mates, her view on Xiaoting never changed. "You two are so quiet" Yongeun told them. In their room, Yongeun sleeps in the middle. She would sometimes bring Jia with her that leaves the both of her and Xiaoting alone on their beds.

"Yurina-unnie, why don't you talk to Xiaoting unnie?" Yongeun asked the older curiously. Yongeun also noticed this uncomfortable silence between the two. Yurina and Xiaoting would talk to each other on-cam but off-cam? Never.

"I don't know... I just, don't like her aura?" Yongeun understood but still encouraged Yurina to befriend Xiaoting. "Unnie is kind, you two should talk to each other sometimes... don't worry, I'll make a way" the younger gave her a thumbs up before leaving the room. Yurina was alone inside, reading her book.

It's her hobby whenever she's not busy. It's currently weekend and the girls has their own free time.

She heard faint knocks few minutes later. Her eyes shoot up and went towards the door. Once she opened it, it revealed Xiaoting.

"Yongeun said you're looking for me?" Yurina can't look at her in the eye but Xiaoting knows she's confused. Later on shook her head. The smile on Xiaoting's face faded. She was expecting something but she thought the both of Yurina and Yongeun are just playing with her.

"Oh, okay then" Xiaoting closed the doors and then went back to her friends at the cafeteria. She was eating lunch when Youngeun called her. She didn't hesitated to go to Yurina because wants to be friends with her. She noticed Yurina was a bit uncomfortable so she didn't talked to her but maybe the next days she will.

"Yongeun, you're just playing with me" she patted Yongeun's head. She was eating lunch with Jia in one table.

"Sorry unnie... you know, just talk to her, will you? You two look g- oh I mean, you two are like uncomfortable" Jia pinched her elbows in mid-sentence. "That's why I'm not talking to her because she looks uncomfortable, Yongeun"

"Ask her out- I mean, invite her to drink some coffee with you sometimes... that will melt her heart"

"Melt her heart?" Xiaoting raised her eyebrows. "Yes, make her fall-"

"Yongeun means 'make her comfortable', unnie" Jia covered Yongeun's mouth. "Ah... okay then" Xiaoting smiled at Jia before going to her friends.

"So... any progress?" Luofei asked. "What progress?" Cai Bing asked. "Why you here? Only singles allowed here" Ruiqi chuckled. "Then why is Xiaoting here?" Cai Bing asked.

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