blind dates ー 13. 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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imma update one sxt chap because ilhsm

genre: fluff

genre: fluff

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"Hey Luofei, sorry we're late" Ruiqi dragged Xiaoting next to her. "You alone?" Xiaoting asked the younger. Luofei was sitting there for almost 10 minutes already. Ruiqi and her decided to put Xiaoting in for a blind date with Luofei's older sister. Zhang Y/n.

"Where is she?" Ruiqi asked. Xiaoting was unaware Luofei brought someone. She thought she's only third wheeling with Luofei and Ruiqi's date.

"Dolly, I think I forgot my car keys inside my car... or is it with you?" you came back on the table, scratching your head in annoyance. "Hello" you greeted the two artists in front of you. It's already your second time meeting them. The first one was on their group's first concert in China then now.

Xiaoting on the other hand was beyond shocked. Luofei already showed her a picture of you while taking a break together at the rest house Ziyin rented the whole C-team. You're a model stationed in both China and Indonesia and one of the well known models of Dior. Xiaoting saw you on a magazine before and after knowing Luofei was your sister, she insisted Luofei to let her meet you.

That was a year ago tho... and you got no interest on love right now after getting dumped 4 years ago.

"Ooh~ it's your sister, Luofei?" Ruiqi faked her 'wow' reaction. Xiaoting froze on her seat. "Yes, I am her older sister... Zhang Y/n, nice to meet you" you shook Ruiqi's hand. As you stick out your hand for Xiaoting, she just sat there, staring at your face. You raised an eyebrow at her and it didn't worked. Ruiqi and Luofei were silently packing their bags to leave the both of you.

"Shen Xiaoting?" You waved a hand infront of her and that woke her up. "Nice meeting you" you once again sticked your hand out. At first, her hands slowly grabbed yours. But after shaking hands with you, she immediately retreated her and wiped her hands with the napkin on the table.

"You seem on rush?" You asked her, sitting across her chair. You felt the space beside you empty and as you turn to your side, Ruiqi and Luofei weren't there anymore. "Where did- nevermind... do you have anything to order?" You thought you're just going to have a normal lunch with your sister but turns out she ditched you with her girlfriend. 

"I'll have what you ordered for" she shyly pushed the menu infront of her. "Do you eat seafood?" You asked her since it was the dish you're going to order.


"Then you can't have mine... I'll order you the steak-"

"No, seafood is fine then. As long it's not sea shells" it was unexpected for her to grab your hands to stopping you from talking. You looked at you two's hands and you noticed her arms weren't full of jewelries but bead accessories... your type of girl.

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