early morning talks ー 14. 𝐌𝐚𝐲

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genre: fluff
r: jjangkly

genre: fluff r: jjangkly

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"Hirokawa Mao, May? Mao-May... is she a bao-bei (baby in chinese) material? Her name sounds like that" You were reading the trainees Information on the wall. All profile were pasted on one corner so trainee will get familiarized by their faces and names.

"Why? Are you planning on making her as your baby, Y/n?" Zige hooked an arm around your shoulders. "Jie-jie (unnie in chinese), she's a year younger than me"

"So what? And, I thought you and Wen Zhe are married in C-Group family tree? It's like a 5 or 6 years age gap" Xiao scratched the back of her head.

You're one of the maknaes of C-Group/YYDS. But while on a vacation, Ruiqi and Xiaoma (Ma Yuling) thought of an idea on making a family tree. You got the position as Wen Zhe's second wife besides Xu Ziyin. Your daughters were Liang Jiao and Xiao eventhough the three of you are same in age. You don't know what came up to their minds and created a whole family tree out of nowhere.

"But say, May is pretty. Do you agree, Y/n?" Jiao look closely at May's photo. "And you will look good together" her gaze went back and forth to you and May's picture. "Dont say that, somebody might hear you" it was only the four of you in the hallway. It's currently 3 in the morning and you woke up earlier than them. Zige heard your door closed so she decided to follow you around.

"No one will hear us and we're speaking in chinese, duh" you rolled your eyes and then decided to look on the other trainees profiles. "Ruan is cute too-"

"She's the same age as May"

"Oop, no thanks" the twins shook their head at you. "What about Kim Suyeon or Kim Doah? They're the same age as you" Zige inspected the K-group's profile. For you, May stood out the most.

"We came here to pursue our dream, not to look for dates" you left them to get some water all by your own. You can't stand them because eversince you told them you like girls, they started giving you trainee names on who do you find cute and pretty.

"Good morning" you heard someone greet you. You can't reply back since you were drinking water. Once you were done, you disposed the cup and turned to that person. It was May. She looked more pretty in the morning. "Morning" you smiled, pushing your hair behind. The morning mission was already done yesterday so today is just a normal morning. You forgot May was in the same building as your cell (Yeseo, Mashiro).

"It's very early, unnie. I never thought I will meet you here" you heard her giggle as she set down her tumbler on the dispenser. "Hm... I usually wake up every 3 am like my body has its own alarm. How about you?" You're still shy around other trainees but around May, you're a bit comfortable now.

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