dreamer ー 8. 𝐂𝐚𝐢 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐠 (final-part 3)

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Cai Bing's POV

"She's okay right now. She's in coma but she will recover soon. She's lucky she didn't have fatal injury but she might get trauma" the doctor talked about Y/n's situation. It's a miracle she didn't have injuries except from bruises and her head bumped somewhere hard causing her to be unconscious.

I was still sick that day. Y/n was on the same room as mine since she paid for that VIP room. I didn't talked while my mom and hers cried next to her side. I was blaming myself she got into this situation.

"Mom, it's my fault isnt it?"

"No, don't think like that" her mom replied. "She's going to be fine, Bing"

"But still, auntie. It's my fault"

"It doesn't matter-"

"BUT SHE ALMOST DIED!" I accidentally shouted at them. "Caicai, calm down-"

"I can't, mom! I almost killed someone, how-"

"You didn't do anything wrong..."

"I did. Please stop covering me" I heard your father sighed as he stood up.

"I am thankful this happened" is he insane?

"If she got home safe, there's a high chance she might hurt herself instead. We all know Y/n. She is very devoted to her own relationship. In her entire life, she only loved one person and I know she will never date ever again if that person turned her down. Cai Bing is a part of her now... I want you, to marry my daughter in the near future. Not this time, but there will be a time. Since Cai Bing want to pursue her dream first, Y/n on the other hand have to wait. For now, you two are engaged" her father announced.

High chance of hurting herself? She's going to do that?

"Fei was cleaning her room one time and an awful letter was found under her bed. She's prepared at everythingincluding her own death. Anytime she might... hurt herself and vanish after that. I don't want that to happen. She's out only daughter so Cai Bing... please accept this engagement" I can't do anything, right?

I don't want to lose her aswell.

"I promise, Mr. Zhang. I promise to marry your daughter in the future"

"How have you been?" Cai Bing followed you to your room and you let her. You can't just push her away after she heard what you said earlier.

"I am doing fine" you took of your coat and opened the balcony door. The Han River is very visible since your house was located in the Hannam Hill between UN Village and Hannam the Hill Apartments.

The Zhang Village was the largest and luxurious apartment in the entire Seoul. It only has 10 apartments inside the village and only the biggest artists live in it since it costs times 2 than the Hannam Village which is the most expensive before.

There was an apartment across yours visible aswell and you can clearly see who's inside. Wait, there are bunch of girls inside. One girl went out of the balcony and pointed her fingers at you, calling the other girls.

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