valentine's day ー 11. 𝐒𝐞𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐮𝐧

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genre: fluff
r: kwanghyewon i got the wrong genre, they requested angst i will do another chap 😭 + gnmyhx

genre: fluffr: kwanghyewon i got the wrong genre, they requested angst i will do another chap 😭 + gnmyhx

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"Put it inside" Jia pushed Youngeun close to your open locker. "Go on, Youngeun. We don't have much time" your classmate, Suyeon, who knows your locker combination helped Youngeun.

The youngest sighed before looking at the two behind her. "Sorry, I can't-"

"DO IT!" The two older girls turn her around. "Y/n's break is in 5 minutes... just put it there" Suyeon instructed her. You were currently on your volleyball training. Suyeon was one of your friend's bestfriend and she knows where your locker is.

Youngeun sighed loudly before slightly throwing the things on your locker. "Yah! The cupcake will be mushed!" Jia fixed the gifts. "Is this how you express your love?"

"Ani... I'm pressured, you know... I like Y/n very much but I don't think she likes me back" she crossed her arms, pouting in sadness. "Who knows? Anyways... let's go out now... I don't want to get caught by Yaning unnie" Suyeon pulled the two out. "She's scary, you know"

"She's scary but you like her" Jia teased the older. "I don't!"

"You do! I saw you stare at her in the Cafeteria"

"Shut up, she got a girlfriend"

"Jinjja? Nugu-ya?"


"Awe she likes Japanese-"

As the other two conversed, Youngeun was looking around because you might cross paths with her in some hallways.

"Great job team!" A loud voice echoed in the hallways. "Uh-oh, they're here..." Suyeon whispered. "Kim Heejin here we go!" Kim Heejin, she was your role model in Volleyball. Youngeun knew it was you who shouted that.

"Y/n! Valentine's tomorrow, are you giving her anything?" Youngeun stopped on her footsteps aswell as her friends. "I don't know, unnie... I'm shy you know, how about you Cai Bing unnie?"

"I don't know, Yujin has Seungyeon anyways"

"Then ask someone else... Zhang Luofei-"


"Omo, Ruiqi is J.E A.L.O.U.S"

Youngeun's POV

"Yah, don't say that! I will tell Y- oh hello guys..." The team appeared on the hallway infront of us. I looked at Y/n and she was staring at Suyeon. "Yeon-nie annyeong" she greeted like me and Jia aren't there.

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