Time travel part 2

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Zizhen looked to sizhui who screamed his name and looked at the direction he was pointing at . He too let out a sound like a trapped chicken when he saw what he was showing .

" WHAT THE HELL ? " He said looking at the year shown in the calender .

Sizhui was putting up the pieces of puzzles together . It was evening 7 when they where in jingyi's chamber now it's definitely morning  seeing the sun is up. The date and year indicates it was 19 years back to the past . Jingyi and Jin Ling also looked to the direction . seeing the year on the calender they where also bewildered . 

" JINGYI what the actual f**k ! " the well behaved sizhui exclaimed in terror 

" JINGYI I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU " Jin ling screamed in terror .

"  WE ARE SO DEAD !" zizhen exclaimed with his hands up in the air.

Zewu jun was confused not understanding what they where saying . 

" Hmm young master's " zewu jun interrupted 

" A-die I am so sorry I didn't mean to screw up " jingyi  rambles  seeing his father 

" What ? " zewu jun was bewildered hearing the intruder calling him father.

Sizhui smacked jingyi head " z..zewu jun , I think a very unfortunate thing happened " sizhui told zewu jun.

" What ? " he asked back when jin ling accidently activated the tailsman wei wuxian gave them to summon him if they meet any danger . Seeing it sizhui once more exclaimed in this rate he might have a qi deviation like his grandfather .

" Jin ling what the hell , he won't even possibly receive it . We are possibly 19 years in the past."

"WHAT ?" Zewu jun exclaimed hearing their conversation .

Just then they heard high pitched scream from the lecture hall. Zewu jun and the 4 junior ran to the lecture halls .



Lan Wangji and wei wu xian was in the lecture hall as they both where now teachers in the Lan clan and had joined lectures. They where now teaching the students some basic spells that can help them to freeze things for a while. Wei wuxian was writing his new book about the new tailsman he invented according to Grand master Qiren's advise. 

After his return last year wei wuxian managed to melt the Grand master rock heart and now they are like 2 buddies . Wei wuxian even helps with improving his health condition with the help of wen Qing medical knowledge he learned while he was in burial mounds . Wei wuxian developed a new core . People accepted his yin cultivation even though there are still who doesn't acknowledge him . He proved that he had complete control and also helped them a lot . He never taught the juniors demonic cultivation and if anybody tries to follow his path he strictly punish them and do cleansing immediately .He didn't want people to suffer what he did and receive the same hatred.

" Lan Zhan , they are not here . What happened , they never skipped class " wei wuxian told his husband noticing his 4 ducklings are missing in the lecture hall .

" Mmm , will visit them after class " Lan wangji told his husband calmly even though he was tensed seeing the 4 youngsters missing . He and wei wuxian considered the 4 as their own kids , if not being the bailing clan's heir wei wuxian would have already adopted ouyang zizhen .

Wei wuxian mind was not at ease from last evening . His ducklings usually visited him after class and sit around him to listen to his stories ,mostly they eat dinner together ,but yesterday his ducklings didn't come.He thought it was because of extra work or something but now they didn't come to class too.Wei wuxian returned to his writing trying to tell himself they are fine , he suddenly felt dizzy and black dots . It didn't even last 5 secs before he was normal . He lift his head hearing gasps .

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