Happy birthday A-zhan

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Lan wangji was born on the coldest time of the year. As soon as he was born he was plucked away from the warmth of his mother.
When his uncle gave him the little bundle of happiness Lan xichen knew he would protect him with his life. He would give him love.
He would take him on his shoulders to stroll around caiyi town and get all the sweets and toys he wants like a father.

He would bake him the best sweet cakes, cuddle him, give him warmth, sing lullaby to him while he drifts into his dreamland like a mother.

He would play with him protect him and guide him like a brother.

Little lan zhan unlike other kids didn't make a fuss. He was always silent. The only time he cry is when he is taken by someone other than his mama or dada.

Gusu lan clan didn't permit their members to celebrate any events and that include birthdays but no one can stop Lan xichen from celebrating his baby brothers birthday.
He sneakily brought him sweets, made the soup his mother makes got him new toys.

Time passed like that but everything changed with their mothers death.

Lan wangji didn't want to celebrate birthday anymore. Birthdays brought him bad memories.

Lan xichen Still brought him gifts which remained in a trunk in his abode Hanshi.

Years passed by and Lan xichen watched his brother becoming more cold to the world. He didn't care of any worldly affairs.. Just like his name.
The only person he was warm to was lan xichen. To others he was a person with no emotions while lan xichen saw every emotions on that golden eyes.

Lan Xichen saw the glory returning to his eyes when he met the Young master from Yunmeng jiang clan.

Lan Xichen found the light of Lan wangji's life.

He saw the happiness in lan wangji's eyes when Wei wuxian was around. He knew wei wuxian was perfect for his brother.
His mother would have loved him especially knowing he was the son of Cangse sanren. His mother's sworn sister and best friend.

He watched the two together and made use of every opportunity that brought them close and together.

Lan xichen knew his brothers devastation when wei wuxian went missing for three months and when he returned he wasn't the same.

He watched his brother worrying and suffering seeing his zhiji following the demonic path. All he could do was to tell his baby brother to Follow his heart and he knew no matter what Lan zhan won't abandon Wei ying.

Lan xichen watched in agony his brother screaming for his zhiji when he fall to the hands of death.

The only light of his life was gone and lan xichen knew he lost his brother along with the yiling patriarch.

He watched the shell of his brother walking around for 16 years.
He could do nothing.

He never brought anymore gifts for his birthday because he knew he can't give him what his heart yearn for.

When wei wuxian was resurrected the person other than Lan wangji who was happy was lan xichen. Because it was not only wei wuxian who came back alive but his brother too.

His baby brother was alive once again.

This time he would pledge his loyalty to his brother. He wouldn't loose him once again.

Lan wangji had Wei wuxian but all he had in his world was his little A-zhan.
He lost his love years ago to death.

He was broken beyond repair seeing the man he trust was behind everything. The reason behind every deaths.. Even his own zhiji. He was a part of his plans.
He became the reason his Lover mingjue died.
The reason wei wuxian died... His brother died.

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