Time travel pt 3

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" Lan zhan , cloud recess would be in chaos right now noticing our absence " wei wuxian reminded his husband .

" Mm, I have a way " Lan wangji said while sending a ray of spiritual energy to the same screen wei wuxian showed them their future.

Everyone looked with amusement .They understood both of these time traveler's cultivation was higher and advanced .

" Gege " Lan wangji said to the person on the screen .

" A-zhan , A-xian " Lan xichen was relieved to see his brothers ."Where are you both and where are the kids everyone is..." he stopped midway glancing the people behind them.

"A-zhan, A-xian was is happening ?" he asked surprised and shocked.

" Huan ge , we accidentally traveled back to the past." he said as calm as possible.well its not an everyday thing.

"YOU  WHAT ? HOW ?" Lan xichen 'calmly' shouted.

" Well....um A-yi accidentally made a time travelling tailsman and activated it accidentally " he said while the juniors prayed silently for jingyi's soul.

" What .......how *heavy sigh* How  would he accidentally make a time-travel tailsman " lan xichen was confused 

" well A-die I just wanted to make a tailsman to keep food hot " jingyi told his  father you won't break his legs .

" What ! *sighs*  A-yi why would  you even want a tailsman to keep food hot ?" He asked his son sighing again. These days he have been doing this a lot as jingyi found his new found interest in inventing  tailsmans.

" It was for shufu . You know he eats dinner late but by that time food will go cold .So I just wanted a remedy "he said pouting hoping it would work .

Wei wuxian hugged his duckling seeing his intention......though it was stupid idea.

"A-yi , you know wangji take hot food from kitchen every time A-xian eats " he sighs and mentally facepalmed.

" What  ?RIDICULOUS ! What about the curfew and rules " Lan qiren asked angered hearing that ,just then another person appeared in the screen .

"A-ying  , what happened where are you " future lan qiren who looked younger than the angry lan qiren asked wei wuxian 

The past Lan qiren almost spat blood hearing his future self calling the troublemaker 'A-ying'. .Lan xichen told him what happpened , he then looked at the past Lan qiren .

" Old Lan , rules are meant to be broken sometimes "

"What!" Lan qiren was shocked to hear that from his future self.

" And don't be rude to my nephews or grandsons . If you did then I will ask A-ying to burn your goatee " everyone thought they where hallucinating but it is wei ying ,wei wuxian , the man who always attempt the impossible of course he can change the strict lan qiren..

" What the ...." wei ying looked at the future Lan qiren in surprise .

" A-xian do you have a way back home , A-Cheng is minutes away from burning the whole house down " Lan Xichen said clearly not scared of his angry lotus.

" Huan " a deep voice came which startled jingyi and jin ling , they are scared of jiang cheng more that hanguang jun..... well who isn't?.

" Cheng cheng , look meet your younger self , he is so young and handsome unlike you " wei wuxian said to his brother in the screen.

" I am getting old because I have to manage  3 brats.. you ,my son and my nephew.Now tell me what the hell happened " he asked . 

Jingyi subconsciously hid behind his father's younger self. The younger Lan xichen smiled seeing jingyi hiding and clutching his robes.

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