Lan Qiren Becomes a Father

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You know what time it is. It's time for Lan qiren and A-ying fluff.
I know it's impossible but as a disciple of Yunmeng jiang sect our motif is to "ATTEMPT 'THE IMPOSSIBLE ".

I am not leaving any introduction. Find out by reading yourself.

(Lan qiren is not bad in this fic. Well basically everyone is good people in my fic but this one have a completely diffrent back story from the original coz Well that's the purpose of fanfic)


Lan qiren was not Impressed.

His youngest nephew brought back a Naughty boy  to cloud recess 3 weeks ago and the boy have already wreck havoc. To Lan Qiren the boy was nothing but trouble tho a cute one. He resembles someone he knows dearly

But that's not something that troubles him these days. The boy A-ying trembles and hide back  or worse run like someone is going to kill him whenever he see Lan qiren.
Lan Qiren might not have smiled and kept his usual 'I am annoyed by everyone' face but he never did anything to the boy. It almost made people think he abused the little boy.
Well Lan qiren did do a mistake.
He said 'It's going to be  troublesome' when he was present.

Lan Qiren two nephews glared at him as if warning him which pained Lan qiren.
Did he do something wrong? Is the boy doing it purposely? But how come it's a mere 7 year old.
Lan qiren felt like a criminal in front of his own nephews.

Lan wangji had found the boy behind a dumpster. Hungry, cold and scared.He said his name is A-ying,nothing more. The boy first scrambled away from lan wangji like he saw a beast.

Lan Wangji ran on his little feet towards his dada who was talking with a Ventor.Their shufu send them to caiyi town to observe common people and get things they like for themselves.

Lan Wangji don't know why their shufu always send them on days the Elder travel outside Gusu.

Lan wangji doesn't like the elders they are meanies.

They always glare at wangji so he glares back at them.

Coming to the boy Lan  wangji dragged his dada to the Dumpster and showed him the little boy who looked at them in fear.

To the boy they looked like angels but he was scared of Angels now. He was once saved by an angel or he thought so. But turns out he wasn't.
But his Shijie is an angel... A-cheng is too.. But he is an scowling angel but they both are real angels to A-ying now.

Lan Xichen lowered down to the boys level and coaxed him to come out. When he was sure he won't be harmed A-ying went outside and holds onto the Fingers of Lan xichen.
Lan xichen gently hold the boy as if he is a glass.

"Hi, don't worry we won't hurt you" lan xichen said to the little boy who Still seemed scared of the new intruders.
He gently took the boy like a mother would have and held him with care.( Much to wangji's cute pout because he can't pick up the boy like his dada did as he is still smol)

"What is your name didi?" Xichen asked almost like a whisper.

"W...A-ying " the boy said meekly like he would be beaten.

"A-ying where are your parents?" Xichen asked but immediately regretted seeing A-ying all teary eyed. He gently rocked the boy and let him rest on his shoulders.

"A-zhan let's go. He need food and warmth. I.. I don't think he have a home." Xichen told wangji who nodded.

They took A-ying to cloud recess. Cleaned him, fed him. Once A-ying was sure he won't be harmed by the two angels he gave them the brightest smile which almost blinded the Twin jades.

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