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Over the hedge😉😱⁉️🤫🤨😛🔥

It was around 2:30 pm when I got back home from a meeting, I went upstairs and went to lie in bed. Louis wasn't home, he had been out of the house a lot recently as well and I saw him a couple times when waiting in traffic. He would say 'I'm going out with Finn' or 'I'm going to Caleb's' when I didn't see him once with Caleb or Finn, okay maybe once with Finn. I saw him with Eli a lot and he would never mention he saw her those days, it become quite suspicious but I trusted him. Trust me I'm not spying on my boyfriend it's just that im all over LA and so is he so we are bound to run into each other. I just don't understand why he's lying to me about who he's seeing and im trying my best to trust him but what threw me off the most was today, I saw him with my therapist. They where having lunch and he didn't even tell me about it, ok that sounds clingy but the last person I thought he'd be with was my therapist. This whole lying thing is messing with my head so when he get home im gonna talk to him about it.

It had been a good hour until I heard Louis coming up the stairs and into our room.
"Hey love" he smiled and kissed me
"Hey" I slightly smiled
"You alright?" He asked and I nodded "i am exhausted, would you care to join me in watching a movie?" He asked all fancy
"I would love to" I smiled and laid next to him.

We where halfway through the movie and I paused it.
"You ok?" He asked
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked
"Fire away" he said
"Why do you lie?" I asked
"What do you mean?" He asked "are you quoting Eleven?"
"Why do you lie? You've been lying to me for a good week" I said "and no I'm not quoting her"
"About what exactly?"
"Before I say this I want you to be 100% honest with me and also I'm not spying we just happen to be at the same place at the same time" I started
"I'm confused" he said furrowing his eyebrows
"I would be too if I was in your shoes" I started "first of all this whole week you've been saying you're going to see Finn and Caleb or whatever but you really aren't you're out with Eli and my therapist for some reason, once again I just wanna make it clear I was not spying on you we just happen to be at the same place at the same time. Also I have no problem with you hanging out with Eli, but really threw me off was my therapist and last time I checked you didn't like her and said she was feeding my mind with shit" I said
"Oh god" Louis sighed
"Yeah oh god, I just want you to be completely honest with me. Why have you been lying about where you've been?" I asked
"I- oh god. It's complicated" he said
"Is it though? I'm sorry if I come off as like clingy and stuff it's just I don't like it when people lie to me Louis. And especially you, someone who means the world to me and plays a big part of my life and just someone I know will be there for me in whatever in doing. It's just really confusing" I said
"I understand and I'm sorry for lying to you as well" he said
"I just wanna know why" I said
"I can't tell you" he said looking down
"Why can't you tell me? You know I won't judge you. I thought we built our relationship on nothing but trust and you said there would be no secrets between us but it's starting to sound like you didn't mean that" I said
"Come on Dev, don't say that"
"Say what, the truth?" I asked and he sighed "how can we even be in a relationship if you can't trust me"
"I do trust you" he said
"Well it doesn't sound like it, why can't you tell me?" I asked
"I just can't, ok? I don't have to tell you what I'm doing every second" he argued
"I don't need to know what you're doing all the time because unlike you I trust you Louis. Just try and think of it from my point of view, wouldn't it be a bit weird if I said I was going out Millie or something and you see me out with someone totally different?" I said
"I understand where you're coming from but I just can't tell you" he sighed
"Fine then" I said standing up "I need to go see my mum I'll be home later" I said and he nodded and left the room.

I walked down the stairs putting on my shoes and ran out of my house.
I got in my car and put on music to keep my mind of the 'semi argument' Louis and I just had.
"This next song is an oldie and I'm pretty sure we have all cried to it, we all know and love this song. This is Traitor by Devyn" the man said on the radio.
"Shut up" I said and switched the channel and Drivers License started playing and I think I'm gonna scream. I tried switching the channel one more time, thank god Conan Gray was playing, in a matter of seconds the song had ended the person on the radio started speaking.
"This next song was requested by one of our listeners, Joy. This is Enough For You by Devyn."
I am gonna jump of a cliff, as much as I love that people are playing my music I just don't want to hear it right now. I switched of the radio and drove to my parents house in silent reflecting on what just happened.
Was I too stubborn? Or did it come off clingy and controlling? I don't know and at this point I don't care.

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