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We got close to the door until we where met with guards
"Where do you think you guys are going?" He said
"Oh um, she got a little tired so we are just gonna head him you know?" Louis lied.
The man looked at me and I instantly acted tired.
"Ok wait here kids just gonna get you guys some body guards to take you to your car" he said
I looked at Louis and he looked at me.
As soon as the man was out of sight me and Louis ran out of the door and ran away from the press who where trying to get to us.

We have been running for about 4 minutes now and found and alleyway and  hid there.
We where both out of breath, especially me because I was running in heels, that shit is not easy.
"I think we lost them" Louis whispered to me
"Yeah, let's not go out the way we came, let's walk down the alleyway, i see a lights at the end?" I suggested
"Yea I guess"

We walked down the alleyway and popped our heads out to see if there where any press near by, luckily there wasn't.
We walked quickly and blended in with the people walking on the streets.

"I have never seen this side of LA or never really seen Hollywood in detail, it's so beautiful" I said to Louis
"Yeah, wait? I thought you lived in LA?"he said
"I do, in Bel Air but sometimes I'm in Malibu"I said
"Oh ok" he said

My stomach started rumbling.

"Ah shit" I said
"What's wrong love?" Louis asked
"I'm starving" I said
"OH THANK GOD!" Louis screamed
"You're hungry, I have been ever since we left the venue" he said
"Why didn't you tell me our first stop would have been a diner instead of a costume shop" I said
We didn't buy anything at the costume shop, we wanna try and find wigs or something
"Oooo look there is a diner over there" Louis said pointing to 'Sherries Diner'
We crossed the road and walked in.

"Hi how may I help- omg you're" she woman started
"A table for two please" Louis said
"Oh um right this way" the woman said leading us to a booth kinda thing.

As we where walking we where getting stairs, where we overdressed? Holy shit, I forgot we are famous. We heard a lot of "omg is that Louis Partridge and Devyn" and "what are famous people doing here?"

"Here is your table, I will be right back to get your menus while waiting look through for your drinks" she said
"Thank you" I smiled at the woman

I looked at the drinks menu, GETTING A CHOCOLATE MILSHAKE😁😁😁

I was about to open my mouth until a young girl, around 12 came up to our table.
"Uh hi, I'm Elena and I like love both of you and I was wondering if I could have a picture? But if I'm interrupting anything or you guys don't want to that is totally fine and I understand" she said shyly.
I looked at Louis with a smile and said
"Hi Elena, idk about Louis but i would love to take a picture with you" I said smiling.
"I would to" Louis said
We got up and she was in the middle of both of us while her mum was taking the picture.
"Thank you so much" she said with a wide grin
"It was nice meeting you Elena!" Louis said
"Bye" I said waving at her with a smile

"Omg. She is so cute" I said
"And respectful" Louis added.
"Very in fact, her mother raised her right"
I said
"Sorry to interrupt but are you ready for me to take your drink orders?" The waitress asked
"Oh yeah we are, could I have a chocolate milkshake" Louis said
"Make that two" I said
"Ok thank you here is you menu and I will be right back with your drinks" she said walking away.

"What's the next stop?" Louis asked
"Huh?" I asked
"Where are we of to next after we have dinner?" He said
"Oh, let's go to target" I said
"Why target?" He asked
"Why not target Louis why not?" I said back at him
"No im just asking what are we gonna get there" he said with a chuckle
"Oh just some essentials, wigs, glasses and maybe even a change of clothes?" I said
"Ohhh um ok"
"Do you want to be followed around by the press this whole night?" I asked
"No, no I just wanna spend time with you" he said
"That's what I thought, so if we are gonna spend time with each other out of the public eye and not at home we have to be disguised" I said
"Ok then" he said


We just finished dinner and are walking out, and I'm in a current mood.
Why may you ask?
Louis payed.
Ik I should be happy about this I'm not using money but like I feel bad, for being mean to him this whole night even though he knows it's a joke I just feel bad yk?

"Cheer up love! Tonight we are gonna explore Hollywood, with nobody to stop us!" He said with a great big smile
"Ok fine, holy shit" i panicked
"What is holy shit? Why are we panicking?" Louis asked
"I forgot to tell my mum that we left and she is probably thinking I've been kidnapped or some shit" I said
"Oh few, I thought like there was a snake or something" he said sighing



Ello mother


I'm out
I'm gone
I've left

What do you mean you are out? Gone? Left?
What have you left?

The venue mum

Body guards?


Devyn we spoke about this, it's for your own safety

Mumzy I'm fine, I'm with Lou as well


Ur just like the others

Respect to them
Of topic anyways
What is Louis gonna do if like some dude come to like mug you or like the press are harassing you

He can do a handspring?
Mumzy I do martial arts

What's a handspring gonna do?

Idk mum it might be useful

Ik you do martial arts but what if it gets really bad

Mum I've got a black belt, when I was 11. I think I'm fine, plus we have a plan

And what type of plan is this?

We are going to target
Wigs, glasses, maybe even a change of clothes

What if you get caught
Imagine how embarrassing that would be

Hush mother
Thing is we won't get caught 😆


Well bye now
Send me love to father😁🤍

Bye hunny
Will do
Be safe pls

Love you

Love you

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