chapter two

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~Haylie's Point of view~

Julie and I were at home getting ready to go to the drive in. Julie decided to wear a blouse and a skirt..I decided to wear something similar to what she was wearing. We kinda looked like socs but the gang never cared. We started walking to the drive in, we got there and paid to get in. I know for sure that Dally didn't pay to get in..he snuck in through the back with Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Two-Bit. Me and Julie saw the boys and walked over to them, Julie sat next to Ponyboy and I sat next to Dally. Sodapop was sitting next to Two-Bit, not gonna lie that kinda pissed me off because I wanted to sit next to him. Dally turned and saw me, "Hey I didn't know you were here already", "yeah we just got here". I turned my head and realized that Julie and Ponyboy were gone, so I decided to ask where they went, "Hey where did Julie and Pony go?", Soda looked at me and gave me his movie star smile, "They went to get snacks..don't worry they didn't run off", Whenever Soda talked to me I could barely pay attention because he was just sooo dreamy. "Okay thanks Soda", I realized that Two-Bit wasn't next to him anymore, "Uhh where did Two-Bit go?", "Oh I don't know..but I don't think he is gonna come back anytime soon...come sit next to me".
I felt like I was on cloud nine when he said that, I got up and sat down next to him.

A few minutes later he turned to me. "Hailey..I gotta ask you something..we used to be best-friends but why did we drift?  I miss being best friends with you." I felt awful, the whole reason we drifted was my fault, every time he would ask to hang out I would get nervous so I would create a excuse and say I couldn't hang out. "I don't know why we drifted..I miss being your best friend". Me and Soda were staring at each other..I was looking at his beautiful blue eyes, suddenly Steve came up from behind us, "What are you love birds doing?". Thanks Steve thank you so much for ruining my moment with Soda. Soda looked at Steve, "Hey Steve..I thought you couldn't come tonight", "Oh well my plans changed so I decided to come and see you guys." Ugh just great now that Steve was here he was gonna ruin everything. We were all sitting watching the movie when I realized...that Julie and Ponyboy have been gone for a really long time. "Guys I am gonna go look for Julie and Ponyboy", Soda stood up, "Let me come with you..the socs have been out lately". Me and Soda walked to the snack table and they weren't there, I suddenly heard the sound of someone being beat up, Me and Soda followed the sound to the parking lot and what I saw almost made throw up. Ponyboy was being beaten up and they were holding my sister covering her mouth and had a blade to her throat. I froze entirely I didn't know what to do. The rest of the gang showed up and they all started beating the socs, I stood there helpless, and frozen not doing anything to help, I was scared..they had a blade to my sisters throat and I didn't know what I could do to help her. Suddenly everything went black.

I woke up and I was confused, I was laying on the couch at the Curtis's. I don't remember coming here last night, all I remember is Ponyboy being beat up and my sister had a blade to her throat. I sat up and Sodapop walked in from the kitchen, "Hey you are do you feel?", "I'm fine..but why am I here? And where is Julie?". He looked at me and smiled "you passed out last night after you saw what the socs were doing to Pony and we brought you here. And your sister is upstairs with Pony". I was embarrassed..every time I get scared or really nervous about something I pass out. "oh...thank you for saving my sister..sorry I couldn't do anything to help", "don't be sorry...and I would save your sister any day..she's important to you and anything that is important to you is important to me". I just blushed at him. All of a sudden it hit me...I AM LATE FOR CURFEW. "Soda what time is it?", "oh it's one am". I practically ran up the stairs and grabbed Julie, Sodapop looked confused, I ran downstairs and me and Julie grabbed our things and headed for the door. Sodapop grabbed my wrist before I could open the door, "hey where are you shouldn't be out this late by yourself", "I'm late for curfew I need to go...bye". I opened the door and me and Julie sped walked all the way home. I quietly opened the door and tried to go upstairs but the first stair creaked and my parents came out of the kitchen and ran over to us. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?", my dad yelled, "I'm sorry I passed out because the socs were gonna hurt Julie..". My mom clearly looked concerned, she turned to Julie, "Are you alright honey?", "I'm fine mom...but it wasn't Haylie's fault that we were late getting home". Dad looked at us and he looked much calmer, "okay im sorry for getting angry....I just worry about you guys..I just wanted to be sure that my girls weren't out running around with boys", "don't worry dad..we weren't. But we should probably get to bed." Me and Julie went up the stairs and I went into my room and she followed me. "What the hell Julie..why are you in my room?", "I just want to make sure your okay...I mean after you passed out". I looked at her, she was only trying to help..I shouldn't have yelled at her. "Yeah I'm okay...I'm not trying to be mean..I'm just a little upset that's all." She nodded and gave me a hug and than she went to her room. I got my diary out and wrote about my feelings for Soda. That's what I do all the time..I write to my diary and tell it how much I like Sodapop Curtis.

School starts tomorrow...ew. I hope y'all are enjoying my book..even though I have like 2 reads bahahahaah. K bye

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