Chapter five

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~Haylie's point of view~
When Soda and Ponyboy walked in I completely froze. I walked away from Dally and
Julie. I didn't know where to go..I just didn't want to see Soda..he would want to talk to me and I didn't wanna talk. I can't take the rejection. I kept walking around until I felt someone grab my wrist, I looked over and it was Julie, "get over here right now, u need to talk to Soda", "WHAT? Are you crazy? No way!." I pulled away from her and tried to walk away but she grabbed me again and started pulling me back all of a sudden I heard his voice. "Am I interrupting something?", I looked over and Soda was standing there. I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, "Haylie..can we please talk? Please?." I looked at him and finally decided I should talk to him. "Yeah we can talk", Julie walked away. "Haylie I'm sorry about what Steve did, I told him not to. Listen...I think your an amazing person and I think your beautiful but...i don't like you like that..I am not over Sandy yet. Im sorry." My heart broke, but I already knew this was coming. I looked at him and got tears in my eyes, I went to walk away but he grabbed me again, "Haylie...I want to like you...I want to be your boyfriend, I want to be more than just bestfriends..but I can't, I can't date you knowing that I am still in love with another girl." I couldn't believe what I just heard, soda just told me he wanted to date me but...he didn't wanna lead me on...because he still loves Sandy. I looked at his beautiful blue icy eyes, "I get that you still love her. I want you to know everything I write in my diary about you is true. I like you so much, you make me so happy, you are funny and kind and sweet and smart and handsome."
He looked at me and gave me is movie star smile, "Haylie Johnson I like you, I really do...someday I will love you." I smiled at him...he really liked me. He was looking in my eyes and we kept moving closer and closer to each other until his soft pink lips touched mine. I was in complete shock, the boy of my dreams just kissed me. We pulled away after a few seconds and he said, "I promise I will come to you and we will get together when I'm over Sandy."

~Julie's point of view~

I woke up in a strange place. I opened my eyes and realized we were still at Buck Merrill's place, we must have fallen asleep here last night. I realized that Ponyboy was right next to me fast asleep with his arms around me. He was gorgeous, his beautiful brown hair was so soft. I looked over and I saw an astonishing sight, Haylie was laying next to Soda and she
had her head buried in his chest and he had is arms wrapped around her, they were both fast asleep like little kittens. After a few minutes Pony woke up and looked at me. It must have taken him a second to realize that he was still at Buck's. He sat up, "Good morning beautiful", "Morning, you gotta see this." I pointed over to Soda and Haylie and he looked shocked. Pony spoke up, "What is Darry gonna say about me and Soda not coming home last night?", than it hit and Haylie weren't home in time last night...our parents were probably worried sick. I got up and went over and shook Haylie. She opened her eyes and realized she was at Buck's, Soda woke up and realized he had his arms around Haylie, he took his arms off of her and looked at Pony, "Great Darry is probably worrying about us now." Haylie sprung up, "Damn I'm late for curfew." She grabbed my arm and we ran out of Buck's and into the car she basically speeded all the way back home. We pulled in the driveway and rushed in the house are parents were sitting on the couch and it looked like my mom had been crying. "Oh thank God you two are okay...I was worried sick." Haylie and I looked at each other, "We're sorry mom, we lost track of time," "Its okay girls...but please please don't ever do that again", "we promise we won't."

~Sodapop's point of view~

Me and Ponyboy boy walked in the house and Darry ran over to us, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?", "We we're at Buck's party last night..and we fell asleep." Darry looked at me in shock, "You took our younger brother to one of Buck Merrill's party's?????", "Yeah he wanted to see Julie." Darry looked..very angry, "I don't care lied to me. You told me you guys were going to hang with Dally and Johnny."
I just looked down..I didn't wanna see how mad he was, he is never mad at me. "Soda your responsible for our brother, you would never do anything like this. Why did you go to Buck's party anyways?", Ponyboy piped up, "He wanted to see Haylie Johnson." Darry looked at me, "you wanted to see Haylie?....", "Yeah..I just wanted to talk to her. I told her that when I'm not in love with Sandy anymore...I will date her", "I knew that you liked her." Ponyboy spoke up, "And this morning Soda was snuggling with her", "shut up Pony..I was not."

~Haylie's point of view~
(Later that day)

Last night just kept playing through my head. Soda telling me he didn't want to date me because he was till in love with Sandy, and than him kissing me just kept playing and playing through my head. I can't believe he said he would date me as soon as he wasn't in love with Sandy anymore. It made me so happy that the boy I like..likes me back. He told me he would love me like he loves Sandy soon enough and that gave me so many butterflies.

I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. I have been so busy with school starting..I hope that anyone reading my story likes it!!!! Love you guys <3 gonna be offline this weekend...I will post again soon. I'm so sorry my next post is taking so long

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