chapter sixteen

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~Haylie's point of view~

The next day, it was Thursday. I couldn't go to school today because I was suspended, I still got ready and drove Ponyboy and Julie to school. When I was dropping them off I saw the socs were eyeing me up, I immediately drove away. I hate it here, I hate everyone with their bougie designer bullshit. I got back home and watched some tv. I had nothing to do because I finished all my homework. About an hour later I decided I wanted to go shopping at the mall.

~Julie's point of view~

School was so boring today...everyone kept spreading rumors that my sister really hurt Cherry Valance. I know Haylie better than anyone on this planet..I know that she gave Cherry a small slap and Cherry was being dramatic to get her in trouble. I was walking through the hallway at school when Ponyboy was suddenly beside me, "Hey Julie", "Hey Pony...", "Why do u seem so sad honey", "I'm just worried about Haylie, the socs are after her", "I know, nothings gonna happen to her okay? Sodapop won't let anything bad happen to her", "I really hope that's the truth".

~Haylie's point of view~

I was at the mall shopping when I suddenly ran into Dally, "Haylie? Aren't you supposed to be at school?", "Uh yeah..I am..but I'm suspended for lightly slapping Cherry Valance", "HOLY SHIT...Haylie Johnson the rule follower got suspended? Holy this even real?", "Haha very funny Dallas", "It's hilarious. You are like a child of God and now your starting to become a rebel", "I'm not a rebel...I'm just tired of peoples shit", he nodded in agreement. "Dally? Do you think the socs are gonna kill me?", "Uh I hope not, why do you ask that?", "Well Bob is trying to hurt me for bothering Cherry..he said if I keep bothering her that there is gonna be consequences", "Haylie don't worry about him, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you", "Promise?", "I promise".

~Sodapop's point of view~

I was working at the DX station when all of a sudden Bob Sheldon and his soc friends pulled up, "Well well well, it's Sodapop Curtis in the flesh", "Yeah yeah, what do you want Bob?", "I came to tell you that your slut girlfriend has one more strike before I beat the shit out of her for bothering Cherry", "Why can't Cherry fight her own battles?", "Because she doesn't want to", "Well that's tough shit because your not gonna touch Haylie", "You wanna bet? You don't even know where she is right now, we could find her and end you better tell her to leave Cherry alone". Without another word they drove away. I was sick of what they were doing, Cherry was a manipulative bitch and she was treating my girlfriend like shit, all Haylie was doing was defending herself  and now Haylie's on their kill list.

After I finished my shift I went home, Darry was cooking dinner in the kitchen, "Uh hey Darry...can we talk?", "Ofcourse...what's up?", "Well...I wanna go back to school". Darry stopped what he was doing and looked at me, "You...wanna go back to school?", "Yeah. I'm worried about Haylie and I wanna be there to protect her. Also I think I can learn a lot in school and...I wanna become something unstoppable some day". Darry looked at me like I had 8 heads, "Are you feeling alright Soda?, the Soda I know would never want to go back to school", "Im feelin fine, and the Soda you know...changed".

~Haylie's point of view~

The next day, it was Friday. I could finally go back to school....I was dreading it though. I got ready and went downstairs Julie was waiting for me, "Hey sis Pony just called, he said he doesn't need a ride today", "Oh okay". We got into my car and I drove us to school, we got there and than we split up. I was walking in the hallway heading to my locker, I was getting my binder when all of a sudden I heard a voice, "Hey beautiful", I knew the voice to well. I turned around and it was Sodapop...I was in complete shock..Soda was at school??? Why?
"Soda!!!! What are you doing here?", "Well I decided I wanted to go back to I could protect you from the socs", "You did that just for me?", "Yeah your important to me Haylie". I was so freaking happy, my bestfriend/boyfriend was gonna be with me at school...could this day get any better? Turns out that Sodapop and I had first period together, we were walking to our class but a teacher stopped us in the hallway. The teacher was Mr.Currin, he has worked at our school for along time, "Uh hey Mr.Currin..what's up?", Mr.Currin looked at me like he had no idea who I was, so I had to help him out, "I'm Haylie Johnson, Geometry 5th period", "Oh that's right". He looked at Sodapop, "Sodapop Curtis right?", Sodapop looked shocked that he knew who he was, "Uh yes sir", "I had your brother Darrell Curtis, he was good person. I heard about what happened to your parents...I'm terribly sorry", "It's okay. But how did you know who I was?", "Oh well when Darell was in school he talked about you and your other brother nonstop. You fit the description that he would describe you as", "Oh I didn't know Darry talked about me", "All the time..he loves you know", "I know sir", "Alright tell Darrell I said hello". Mr Currin walked away leaving me and Soda.

Me and Sodapop finally got to home room, he sat down near me, "That was weird", "Yeah I know". A few minutes later our bell rang signaling that it was time for first period, I was so excited when I found out that Soda also had first period with me too, today was gonna be a good day...but I had a bad feeling something would change that.

Heyyyyyyy I'm obsessed with this story, thank you to anyone that's reading, I love you! <3

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