chapter ten

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~Haylie's point of view~

Darry and I got to Buck Merrill's party, and wow it was packed. Darry and I were walking around when I saw Julie and Ponyboy, they were talking and...DRINKING?!?! We both marched up to them and grabbed the drinks out of their hands, Darry used his scary voice, "What the hell are you doing? You guys are 14...", Ponyboy and Julie just looked at him like he had 2 heads, than they laughed at him, great they were drunk. Darry grabbed both of them and we dragged them outside, we put them in the car and than I turned to Darry, "I'm gonna stay here for a little while and see where Soda is", "Okay I'm gonna take these two back home and get them sober". I went back inside and started looking for Soda, I walked into the kitchen and found him, he looked different and he was acting different, like he had been drinking. "Sodapop...are you...are you drinking?", "No, I don't drink mom, I'm underage", just great my boyfriend who never drinks was drunk. "Cmon Soda let's go home", "No way, I'm having fun", "Sodapop please". After a few seconds, I heard her voice, the voice of hell. "This is your girlfriend, your dating Haylie Johnson?", I turned around and saw Sandy. I hate that bitch, "Yes I am his girlfriend Sandy...I see your not pregnant where is your baby?", she glared at me and Soda spoke up, "She is a liar, she was never pregnant, she's just a slut", she looked at him with anger. She looked at me again, "Your making a mistake dating him, he doesn't care about you. He never cared about me.", "That's bullshit he...he loves me", "Funny one Haylie, he said he loved me but now he's calling me a slut", "Because u cheated on him and lied to him, just so you could screw other guys...he's right you are a slut". Soda started laughing and his voice was all slurred. "Soda cmon let's go home", "But I'm not done drinking yet", "yes you have had plenty", "I will decide when I've had enough". He went back into the kitchen and grabbed another beer, I just glared at him, I went into the kitchen and took the beer out of his hands, "Can we please leave?", "No way", he tried to grab the beer back but he pulled it out of my hands and it spilled all over me. Everyone stopped and stared at us, "Haylie I didn't mean-", "Fuck you". I walked out of the party and left.

I got back to the Curtis house and walked in. Julie and Ponyboy were asleep on the couch and Darry was reading the paper in his chair. He looked at me, "Where is Sodapop?", "He's drunk, and he's being a total asshole", Darry realized I had beer all over me. "It's okay kid...he didn't mean it", "I'm sure he didn't..but he never drinks why would he- IT WAS SANDY.
She was there and he probably got all stressed so drinking was his idea of solving it", "Yeah ur probably right". I went upstairs and into Soda's room, I put one of his flannels on and sat on his bed. I was so mad at him, after a few minutes I went back downstairs and woke up Julie, we went home and snuck in. I was laying in my bed staring at my ceiling when my mom came in, "Haylie...are you awake?", "Yeah mom", "I just wanted to tell you that Dallas Winston came by", "Why?", "He wanted to see if you were okay after the incident at the party, to fill me in?". I told my mom about what happened and she told me it would all be alright...but I don't know if she's right about that.

~Sodapop's point of view~

I woke up at Buck's place, it was quiet. I realized that I didn't come home last night and...that Haylie hates me right now. I went back home and Darry was sitting in his chair, when I walked in he got up and came over to me. "What the hell we're you thinking last night? Getting drunk just because of stupid slut Sandy?", "Listen I didn't mean too", "You made dumb choices last night, you treated Haylie like shit", "I know..I will fix it", "You better do it soon...she's really upset". I went to Haylie's house and knocked on the door, Julie answered it, "Haylie...doesn't wanna see you...I'm sorry", she shut the door and my heart broke into a million pieces. I was a total jerk last night and now my girlfriend hates me..but that wasn't gonna stop me from seeing her, I kept knocking on the door until Julie let me in.

~Haylie's point of view~

I am so fed up with being treated like trash. Everyone treats me horribly, my dad, Cherry, Randy, and now Sodapop. I don't care that his stupid ex girlfriend was there....he didn't need to get drunk. I was laying in bed when there was a knock at my bedroom door, I opened the door and Sodapop was standing there. How the hell did he get in? And than it hit me, Julie probably got tired of him knocking and decided to let him in. "Get out of here Soda", I tried to shut the door but he's much stronger than me and he opened the door and came in. "Haylie I'm sorry", "No. No your not, you don't get to come here and pity me", "I'm not Haylie..I'm just trying to apologize for the way I acted". I wanted to forgive him, I was being pathetic by holding a grudge on him, but I also knew...not everyone gets what they want. All I wanted to do was get him home...but he wouldn't listen. "Sodapop listen to me...I just wanted to get you never drink so when you act differently. But you obviously didn't care about what I thought, everyone saw. Everyone saw me covered in beer, everyone saw", "I know and I'm sorry, I never meant for that to happen...I would never treat you that way on purpose". It's not fair that he gets to act like an asshole just because his slut ex girlfriend is in town. "Just because Sandy was there didn't mean you had to get drunk", "I just...I needed to clear my head. I'm really sorry princess", "Sorry won't cut it". He just stared at me and came closer to me, he got so close, "What do I have to do so you won't be mad at me?", "I don't know..figure it out". I went to push him away from me but he grabbed my arms and held them above my head and pushed me back onto my bed, and laid on top of me. "Soda...not now", "Haylie Johnson I love you...and I don't want you mad at me", "Well maybe you should have thought about that before last night". I got
out from under him and took his arm and went downstairs. I opened the front door and pushed him outside, "Stop treating me like I'm one of the girls at the DX station thats obsessed with you". And with that I slammed the door.

Heyyyy! I hope you are enjoying my story...I enjoy's an amazing way to put my words into action! I love you guys

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