The Reveal

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It had been about a week since Arthur had legalized magic and so far the world hadn't ended, nor had it changed much. No good magic users had shown up to pledge loyalty to him, but that hardly surprised him. Arthur supposed it might take a while for such news to spread throughout the kingdom, but more likely Merlin's strange optimism was just wishful thinking. Still Arthur was at least glad he hadn't been made to regret his decision... yet.

"I'll see you later then," Gwen said as she kissed him goodbye.

"Be careful," Arthur said, looking up from his work to gaze at her.

"I'm only going to my father's grave," Gwen replied.

"Elyan is going as well?" Arthur inquired.

"Yes and Leon, and Gwaine and Percival," Gwen replied.

"Maybe take a few more just to be sure. It's only been a week since I made the announcement," Arthur continued. "Who knows how the people will take it. It's never been more dangerous out there."

"You worry too much," Gwen laughed.

"And you do not worry enough," Arthur sighed, but Gwen just smiled. With a wave of her hand the love of his life walked out of the room.

Leaving Arthur to do this tedious paperwork. With a sigh, he got back to it. No one ever told him before he became king how much bloody paperwork there'd be.

What was probably a few hours later, Arthur was interrupted from his work by the arrival of his servant.

"What Merlin?" Arthur asked. "I'm trying to work here."

"Well see there's something I've been wanting to tell you," Merlin began.

"Well spit it out. I haven't got all day," Arthur grumbled. Rather than looking up at his friend, Arthur's gaze remained fixed on the documents he was trying to decipher.

"It's kinda a big thing," Merlin said. Arthur gestured for him to get on with it. "A big important thing that is worth you looking up at me for."

"I'm the King, Merlin," Arthur said. "You can't tell me what to do."

"Hasn't stopped me before," Merlin grinned.

"Merlin!" Arthur stood up, annoyed. Really sometimes he didn't know why he put up with such behaviour. Any other king would have their servant whipped for saying such things.

"There see, at least that got you looking at me," Merlin said with a smile. "Anyway what I'm trying to say is magic has been legal for a while now and I wanted to prove to you what I meant about good magic users who are loyal to you."

"If you had proof why didn't you show me when we were at the Disir cave!?" Arthur grumbled. "Really, Merlin, sometimes I do wonder about you."

"That's what I'm trying to explain," Merlin snapped.

Just then the door of Arthur's chambers burst open. The look on the man's face put every thought of Merlin's odd behaviour from the King's mind.

"What's happened?" he asked.

"The Queen's party has been attacked," the man said. "Percival and Leon are in a bad way."

At once dropping what he was doing, Arthur ran towards the door and down the hall. The first thing he noticed when he entered the room was who wasn't in it.

"Where is Guinevere?" he asked. The silence that followed made his stomach twist into knots.

"I told her to get away," Sir Elyan said. "She fled."

Before the words were even out of Sir Elyan's mouth, Arthur had made up his mind. The moment the sun rose they were going after her. Nothing else mattered. The fear and anxiety Arthur now felt made him crave solitude while he waited for the sun to rise.

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