The Summoning

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At first Merlin couldn't move at all. He felt trapped in his own body. He wasn't sure how long that went on but when it finally let up, he could sense magic. Merlin opened his eyes to see the last person on earth he'd expected to help him.

"Mordred?" Merlin asked. He still felt sick but at least now he wasn't trapped.

"I'm sorry but that's all I can do," Mordred replied. "The rest is up to you, Emrys."

Merlin turned his head to see Gaius on the other side of his bed. "Gwen poisoned me," Merlin said.

"I figured as much," Gaius replied. "I have told Arthur but he doesn't want to believe it."

"I'm going with him tonight to find out the truth," Mordred explained.

Merlin couldn't help but be wary. Whenever he looked at Mordred all he could see was the vision that dying man had given him of Mordred killing Arthur. But then again it seemed like Mordred had just saved his life.

"No need to look so worried," Mordred replied. "I shall not let the king come to harm. You need to focus on healing yourself. Your magic is alot stronger than mine."

So Merlin tried. He summoned what little energy he had left and tried a healing spell, but he didn't have the strength to complete it.

"It's no use," Merlin said, gasping for air. He still felt so weak.

"I'm sorry but I have to go," Mordred said. "It's dark and I should be helping the King follow Gwen." And with a slight bow of the head, Mordred left.

"There has to be something we can do," Gaius continued once Mordred was gone.

"I do have another idea," Merlin answered. "Kilgharrah. He's helped me before when I was poisoned by a giant scorpion."

"You can't summon a dragon here!" Gaius exclaimed.

"He wouldn't fit through the doors I know," Merlin said. "You have to get me to the courtyard."

"I can not lift you Merlin," Gaius reminded him.

"Get some help then," Merlin grumbled and then Gaius left his side as well only to return a quarter hour later with Percival, Gwaine and Elyan.

"Merlin's going to do what?" Percival said after Gaius explained his plan. Merlin couldn't see their faces from his position laying on the bed staring at the ceiling, but he could distinguish their voices.

"Summon a dragon to heal him," Gaius replied. "So we need to get him somewhere the dragon can land."

"And you are sure the Dragon will want to help us?" Percival asked.

"What's to stop this Dragon from attacking Camelot?" Gwaine asked.

"Merlin is a dragonlord," Gaius explained. "No living dragon can disobey him. Now come on, we must hurry."

The knights didn't ask any more questions after that and Merlin found himself being lifted out of bed. Even though he was able to move more now he still could barely lift his arms and legs. They were just so heavy. He hadn't any strength in his body at all. Merlin felt very much like a rag doll, his limbs flailing about as he was carried out of his chambers and into the courtyard.

Once they set him down in the middle of the empty courtyard, Merlin told them all to go for cover.

"I thought you said the dragon wouldn't hurt us?" Elyan asked.

"He won't," Merlin said. "But his wings are powerful. His landing could knock you over."

The knights seemed to take his word on this and backed away with Gaius.

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